Chapter 35

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"So you're going with the Griers for the month?" Shawn asks, sitting on his bed and shoving his clothes into the suitcase.

After Hayes helped me pack, he went back to his own room, so I decided to visit Shawn.

"Yeah, it'll be fun!" I reply, smiling.

He zips up the suitcase and leans back against the bed frame beside me. "When are you going to tell the fans? It's better to tell them sooner, because A, they'll be wondering why you are with Nash and Hayes and Jack isn't, and B, they'll be more upset if you wait longer."

I frown. "I haven't even thought about that, but you're right. I'll talk to Hayes about it later."

He closes his eyes and hums a tune I've never heard before.

"What are you humming?" I ask curiously.

A smile appears on his face. "Its a secret."

"Aw, come on Shawn!" I whine, grabbing his arm.

"Oh, fine, but you can't tell anyone. I have three songs that I'm working on releasing in August. That one was called The Weight," he explains, lowering his voice. "But seriously, it's a secret. No telling. By the way, I know how you really broke your arm."

My grin disappears from my face. "What? How?"

"I went to Starbucks a couple days ago and asked the guy there. Why did you lie about it?" He asks.

I inhale a deep breath. "If Jack chewed them out for it, his fans would just hate me even more, so I just lied. It seemed easier."

He sighs and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Chrissa, I'm always going to be here to protect you. Hayes will too, not to mention your brother, Jack, and Sammy. We're all going to protect you. Why so many secrets? The fans? They're all just jealous that you spend so much time with us. Just forget about them... Besides, not all of them are like the ones that hurt you. I know for a fact because I've seen you interact with them. The majority of our fans love you."

Speechless, I just stare at him. When I finally get my ability to speak back, its stuttering. "Th-thank you. That helped so much Shawn."

"Anytime you need me, I'm here. And Chrissa? No more secrets. At least not to me. Anything else I need to know?" He asks, poking me gently in the side.

"Well, I lied to Sammy about eating breakfast yesterday," I mutter.

Shawn raises an eyebrow. "Chris, I need you to eat. Okay?"

I imitate him. "It was only once, and only because my medicine made me feel sick."

"Okay, I believe you. My flight leaves in an hour, I should get to the airport," He says, standing up.

"Noooo!" I whine, latching onto his waist. "You can't!"

He sighs. "I'll see you in a month, Chris. Just call me if you miss me that much."

Frowning, I let go of him, and he kisses my forehead and walks out of the room, me close behind.

"Tell the guys I said bye!" He tells me as the elevator closes. Before it's completely closed, he adds, "Ignore the haters, Chris! They're not worth it!"

I smile a little and sigh, then turn around and walk back towards Hayes's room.

Shawn is right. I can just call him if I miss him, and if I don't have time for that, I can just text. Somehow I've gotten really attached to Shawn within these past few months. I love my friends at home, but we've grown apart, and I know it. Shawn really is my best friend.

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