Chapter 6

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A/N whaaat? 40 reads? Aw shucks, thanks guys. (lol I don't talk like that) anyway, here's chapter 6. I wonder if anyone has caught on yet... 😏

We walk back to the hotel, and I can't help but notice Hayes keeps glancing at me.

"CHRISSA!" Somebody yells. Startled, I turn around to see my brother running at me full speed. I squeal as he picks me up and sets me on his shoulders, then continues to run.

It's funny, everybody thinks Jack is a little bit mature... not at all. I have more maturity than him, and there's a five year age difference between us.

He runs into the hotel, right past the front desk lady. Both of us ignore her dirty looks, and go straight to his room.

After a minute, some of the others come in. Obviously the ones who are staying there, but also Shawn, Hayes, Cam, and Carter.

We had been in there, talking, vining, and doing other random crap for about an hour, when the door was knocked on.

Assuming it was one of the boys, I went and answered it. To my surprise, it was the same man who yelled at us last night.

"I told you kids to learn some respect and shut---" He freezes when he looks at me.

I probably look annoyed, with one eyebrow raised, leaning against the door.

"Hello pretty lady, sorry, I didn't know I was speaking to you."

I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Can we help you, or...." He shakes his head. "Um, no..." I start to close the door, but he pushes the door open and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me...." I growl.

"I like a girl with some sass...." I throw up a little in my mouth. This guy is like 30!

"And I like guys who aren't 20 years older than me, so goodbye!" I try again to shut the door, put he keeps his hand on the door so he can't.

Suddenly I feel arms around my waist. Whoever it is picks me up and puts me behind them. He crosses his arms, and... oh, it's Hayes!

"She said to keep your hands off. We aren't even being loud, so just leave." The man's eyes narrow.

"What're you gonna do, little boy?" Hayes rolls his sleeves, showing off his biceps.

The man look slightly worried now, and I smirk.

"Leave now, and don't bother us again." He laughs. "You two don't scare---" I cut him off. "JACK!"

He looks annoyed that I interrupted him, and Jack walks over.

I stifle a laugh as his eyes get huge. "This guy bothering you, Chrissy?" I nod, along with Hayes. Hayes steps back so that Jack can confront him, and slings his arm protectively over my shoulder.

I smile and listen. "Sir, if you bother Chrissa or Hayes again, I will call security."

The man's eyes widen. "Who says I won't? You are all so loud."

I start laughing, along with everyone else in the room, who by the way, started watching when I called Jack.

"We won't get kicked out. Everyone in this room is famous. The hotel wouldn't dare kick us out."

The man scowls and crosses his arms. "Just keep it down."

He starts to walk away, and Jack calls after him, "You keep your hands to yourself!" "YEAH! AND DON'T TOUCH SISSY!" Sam adds.

I smile at them and sit back down. I love these boys.

(A/N: time skip to the morning before they leave. I won't do this a lot, pinkie swear!)

I sit on a couch in the waiting room in the hotel. I'm not really sure why, I just happened to wake up before everyone else, and it's super quiet here.

I take out my phone and tweet, "Last day in Jersey. I'm gonna miss all these goofballs. 😞"

Almost immediately, I get a response. "I'll miss you too, Chris." It's from... Oh! Hayes! That boy is super sweet.

We text for awhile, until he walks down to just sit and talk.

We chat for awhile, about random things. Within the next two hours, I know Hayes well, and I'm sure he knows me too.

I'll miss this boy.

A/N HAHAHA y'all see what I'm doing now? Bam! My posting schedule is gonna be a bit off, just to warn you. I started school today and it sucks. Anyway, I'll work on another chapter tonight, but no promises that I'll finish it.


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