Chapter 13:

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A/N Shall this be the chapter that gets me to 750 reads? Hmm? I hope soooo! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Enjoy this chapter, and WARNING! Madison Beer will be arriving soon... (lol obviously not as a good guy 😉)

Mahogany walks to Jacob's room, and I skip into the hallway.

Carter walks out of his room.


He spins around, startled. "Oh god... Chrissa, don't do dat!"

I smile, and he laughs.

"Are you going to the lobby?" I ask.

He nods.

"ME TOO! LETS GO BEST FRIEND!" I grab his arm and pull him to the elevator.

Sure enough, creepy stalkerish man is there.

He smiles maniacally when I get in, but it leaves his face when Carter follows.

I pretty much ignore him the whole time, chatting with Cartah about random stuff.

The door opens, and Carter runs out to scare Matt.

I walk out, and feel a hand on my shoulder.

I smack it away and spin around.

"Stop, don't talk to me! Loser lamo wannabe. Like oh, totally!" I sing quickly.

He just looks confused, and puts his hand back on my shoulder.

"BOYSSS!" I yell.

Almost immediately, Cameron appears from around the corner.

He picks me up by the waist and sets me on his shoulder.

"For the last time, leave Chrissa alone!" Cam growls.

The man backs up a little.

"Matt did warn you. Back off." I say, and point towards the door so Cam knows where to go.

He sets me down outside, and I hug him quickly.

"CHRIS! You're riding with us!" Sam yells.

I thank Cameron and wave goodbye as I run to the car.

In the front were Jack and JJ, and in the back was me, Sam, and Hayes.

I sit in the middle, and Sammy yells almost immediately, "SISSY! ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!"

Jack groans. "Not again..."

Hayes laughs as we play over and over again- and frequently argue.

To answer your questions, yes we are immature, and no we will never stop playing Rock Paper Scissors.

The car pulls up at the zoo, and I jump up and down on my seat.

"Do you think they'll have unicorns?" I yell.

"Pshh, of course not. Come on, Chris!" Sam replies.

I glare at him as we all get out of the car.

"Why wouldn't they have unicorns?" I ask.

He makes a duh face. "Because they can't! All the unicorns live in Russia!"

Hayes bursts out laughing and looks at JJ.

"Is this normal?"

JJ nods grimly. "Sadly, it's very normal."

I cross my arms. "No! The pink ones live in America!"

Sam rolls his eyes. "Do you know nothing? The pink ones USED to live in America! The Russians kidnapped them all!"

I gasp. "Not all of them! They couldn't take ALL the pink unicorns!"

At this point, the others have walked up and are listening.

Sam scoffs. "Why doesn't the president have one, then?"

I stare at him. "Because they don't like to be captured! Duh!"

I turn around to stare at the boys who are giggling like schoolgirls.

"What are you guys laughing at?"

My phone vibrates, and I look at it. Crap, I was just tagged in Carter's vine.

I open it up and watch the vine, which is pretty much Sam and I arguing about unicorns. Wonderful.

To make it better, the caption is: "Wtf... @Chrissa G and @Sam Wilkinson. They were dead serious, too... 😂🐴"

I shrug and revine it, then run into the zoo without waiting for Sam to continue his argument.

We stop in the pavilion, and look at each other.

"I'm going to find the unicorns!" I declare.

I start walking in a certain direction, and hear the boys' calls of, "YOU'RE SO WHIPPED!" behind me.

I shrug it off, and a minute later, Hayes runs up beside me.

I smile at him. "What are the others yelling about?"

He smiles back. "I don't know, Cameron said something about a girl."

We walk around the entire zoo, chatting about anything and everything.

I gasp at a certain sight. "ICE CREAM!"

I run to the cart, order, and pay before Hayes even gets there.

He buys one for himself, and we sit down.

We eat quickly, and then, I drag him to the gift shop.

"I wish there were unicorns..." I sigh.

Hayes throws me a stuffed animal, and I look at it. A pink unicorn!

"YES! Thanks Haaasss!" I yelp, and run to the cash register.

I buy it, and run back to the pavilion where the others are waiting.

I keep the unicorn in the bag, and Sam smirks.

"Find any unicorns, Chris?"

A smile grows on my face. "Yep!"

I pull out the unicorn, and he smacks his forehead.

Here's the deal, when it comes to an argument about unicorns, I always win.

A/N alrighty! just a filler chapter, because I feel like I don't post much anymore. I hope y'all liked it!

JC: See you next Thursday!

Nooo, JC! I'll see them tomorrow! Peace, love, and unicorns!


QOTD: Favorites from magcon and o2l?

AOTD: Whatever y'all might think, my favorite is neither Hayes or Jack Gilinsky. It's Nash!!! I also deeply love Sam, Shawn, and Matt, As for o2l, CONNOR ALL THE WAY! Ok, that's my answer! Leave yours in the comments 😊

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