Chapter 11

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A/N: Ok, so I get about 10 reads per chapter... sooo, there's 10 people reading my story? AWESOME! LETS BE UNICORN BUDDIES! Shout out to CrayCrayMeh. Go read her stories, she's awesome. Also, guys, this is important. Idk how much I can update anymore. On top of school, homework, sports, and church, my mom got a job... in a different city. In a different state. So, yeah, I'm upset about that, but I'll be super busy. DONT PANIC! I'll still write whenever I have time.

Mahogany begins calling the boys up, and Jack scoops me up. "MAHOGANY, I WANNA GO LAST!" He yells.

Mahogany shrugs, and I suppress a laugh. She still doesn't know I'm here.

She calls the boys out one at a time, saving Jack for last.

Finally, he runs out carrying me, Sammy close behind.

Mahogany lets out an involuntary squeal. "CHRISSA! Boys, you better have a good explanation as to why you didn't tell me that she's here."

They all put their hands out in surrender, and I wiggle away from Jack to hug her.


I trot after Mahogany to the DJ equipment, while the boys do their thing.

"Wanna start us off, Chris?" Mahogany asks. I look skeptically at it.

"It's easy!" She reassures me. She murmurs quiet instructions to me.

"HIT IT, LOX!" Nash yells. I follow her instructions, and turn on Lip Gloss.

The boys all dance to it (oddly, I might add...)

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