Chapter 1-

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A/N hi guys! First chapter! Whoo! Lets do this! Oh, by the way, I made a little time mistake. It's the beginning of 2014 here, so Chrissa is 13. thanks!

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and sigh.
I finish straightening my long brown hair, and apply a little mascara to bring out my light brown eyes.
I hear the front door open, and dash downstairs. Oh, it's just Jack. I throw a pillow at him. "You're late!"
He gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry Chris, I was with Jack." I sigh. I was worried, my parents are never home anymore.
Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Chrissa. Chrissa Gilinsky. My goofball brother is the Vine famous Jack Gilinsky.
"And? I was scared you weren't coming, Jack!"
He sits down on the couch and pats the spot next to him. I reluctantly sit down.
"I'm sorry again, Chris. We were filming a video and lost track of time. Do you forgive me?"
I try to stay stubborn.
He pokes me in the side... Where he knows I'm ticklish.
"Do you forgive me now? What about now? Now?" He pokes me repeatedly until I have no choice but to give in.
"Fine, I forgive you. Just don't do it again."
He hugs me. "I won't!"
We sit in silence for awhile, until he sighs. "I'm leaving for magcon next week..." I frown. I don't like when he goes to magcon and leaves me by myself at home.
"I know....." I mutter.
He laughs. "You didn't let me finish! Do you wanna come? It's New Jersey, Sam's gonna go this time."
My frown quickly turns into a smile. "I can go?"
He nods slowly. I squeal and hug him. "Ok, but mom is making me tell you the rules..."
I sigh. Mom always goes way overboard with rules, even though we rarely follow them.
He laughs at my expression. "Rule 1! No leaving your hotel room without me, Jack, or Sam. Hmm.. that one is dumb. We'll ignore it."
I giggle at how quickly he waves it off.
"Rule 2. No leaving the hotel without us. Alright, you have to tell me first, but you can leave the hotel as long as you're with us, Mahogany, or one of the other boys besides Hayes."
I nod. He thinks for a minute. "Ok, the rest of these are dumb. Lets just ignore those. Go pack your bag, baby girl."
I kiss him quickly on the cheek and run up the stairs. I can't believe I get to go this time! I hate when he leaves, because I'm left alone to hear mom and dad argue all day.
I pack accordingly with the May weather, and put my suitcase neatly in a corner. Perfect.
I look around my room to make sure everything is in place, and nod in satisfaction.
After that, I change into my pajamas of basketball shorts and a t-shirt, then curl up in my bed. I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
I wake up the next morning to voices. I change into some Nike shorts and an American Eagle shirt, also my white vans.
I brush my hair out and pull it into a ponytail, then make my way downstairs.
Jack is in the living room with JJ and Sammy.
I sneak into the kitchen and grab a yogurt to eat.
After its gone, I walk into the room with the boys and wave.
"SISSY IS AWAKE!" Sam yells. I laugh uncontrollably as he jumps up and hugs me tightly.
Sammy has been calling me "Sissy" since I was six, and I don't think he plans on stopping.
After he lets go, I glance over Jack's shoulder at his laptop.
He's looking over the travel plans.
"You two look so alike..." JJ says.
We look at him at the same time.
People are always saying that.
My hair and eyes are lighter than his, and my facial features are a little bit softer. Not to mention I don't have his ridiculous caterpillar eyebrows.
I shrug and look back at the plans. Sure enough, four tickets. I really get to go.

A/N Hey again guys! is it good so far? Sorry this chapter is short, I'll work on that. Love you, peace! Also, believe in yourself because you are all perfection, my lovelies.


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