Chapter 22

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A/N: First of all, IM BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER, BABY! IM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT I WILL BE (trying my best) TO CONTINUE THIS STORY! My inspiration. you ask? I GOT ON WATTPAD AND HAD SO MANY VOTES ON THIS AND I WAS LIKE AWW I LOVE THESE PEOPLE SO THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Also my writing has improved, which will make your reading experience oh so much more enjoyable. ALSO THEY MADE IT SO I CAN ADD MEDIA AND IT STOPPED CRASHING IM SO HAPPY! ALSO I LIKE USING THE WORD ALSO! Now I can put videos with music in for y'all! For now enjoy the pic of Jack 😆 500 bonus points for anyone who can quote that vine perfectly in the comments!
"Hey Chrissa!" Hayes says, looking a little nervous.
"Hi Hayes! Come in!" I invite him.
I smile shyly. "Are you here for my brother and Jack and Sam?"
"Uh, no Chris, I'm here to see you..." He replies nervously.
Taking the hint, Jack put his hands up and backs out slowly into the kitchen again.
"Weirdo!" I yell after him. A small laugh escapes Hayes's lips.
I turn my attention back to him. "You're here to see me? Wh-"
Before I can even finish, his lips are against mine.
I'm completely and utterly in shock at first, but eventually melt into the kiss.
He pulls back, too soon, and stares me in the eye. "I like you Chrissa, like... a lot."
All I can do is blink and stare at him with my mouth open like a fish or something, and he looks at the ground.
"This was a bad idea..." he mutters, turning around to leave.
I grasp his arm and pull him back. "I feel the same, Hayes."
A grin quickly spreads on his face, and he wraps his arms around me.
"Wait, why are you here? Don't you live in North Carolina?" I ask into his shirt.
He chuckles and let's me go. "Well, I realized that guys are obviously all over you, and that if I don't make my move soon, you would be someone else's. So I told Nash that I wanted to visit Omaha, and he was totally down. We have to hang out later, but we need to go find a hotel-"
I cut him off. "Hotel? No way, we have guest rooms! Go get Nash and tell him to get his butt in here!"
Hayes grins and runs off, so I turn and yell into the kitchen, "BOYS! Nash and Hayes are staying here!"
"OKAY!" Jack yells back.
"WAIT WHAT?" JJ screams from upstairs.
Sam just runs down into the living room and face plants on the couch. "Did you say Hayes and Nash?"
"Actually, I said Nash and Hayes," I tease as Nash's pickup truck pulls up.
The two boys jump out of the truck and spring inside, shoving each other on the way.
Nash picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "CHRISSY!"
I laugh uncontrollably. "Nash! Too much! Put me down!"
Jack walks into the room, grinning. "Alright, you can keep her."
"Gee, thanks Jack," I mutter, "love you too."
He just laughs and claps Nash on the back.
The blue-eyed weirdo set me down, and JJ ran down the stairs.
"Yo knick-knack! Whatchu doin here?"
"Visiting you losers!" Nash replied, smiling.
"Knick-knack?" I ask, eyebrows raised questioningly.
"That's what I said. You gotta problem? Do I need to put you in your place, Chrissa?" JJ asked, his tone of voice playfully threatening.
I step forward and shove his chest jokingly. "Yeah! Fight me JJ!"
JJ picks me up and throws me on the couch. "Don't test me!"
That's when my fatal mistake happens... I stick out my tongue and cross my eyes at him.
"THATS IT! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT, GILINSKY!" He yells and begins tickling me.
I shriek with laughter and desperately try to kick him away. "No! I can't- JJ- Noooo!"
Somehow I slip off the couch and hide behind Nash, who holds up a hand.
"Jack Johnson," he says in a ridiculous British accent. "I challenge you to a duel."
I step back between Jack and Hayes and watch to see what happens.
"I accept your challenge!" JJ replies in an equally weird accent.
Both boys grab pillows off the couch and begin beating each other savagely with them.
As I watch, holding in my laughter, I think about how much I missed these losers.
So guys! I know it's short but at least it's something! I love you all and special shoutout to
For voting for EVERY. FREAKING. CHAPTER. Just want to say that I see you in my notifications... AND I LOVE YOU! Happy Friday the thirteenth! Anybody have bad luck, because I did. If you did have bad luck and have read this far, comment what happened because I'm curious!
(This includes if it's not still today when you read this. Literally if its like two years later I still wanna see it!)
Peace, Love, and Kangaroo Cookies!
Love y'all!

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