13 Questions Tag

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Hey guys!! It's been awhile, eh? ;) basically @calum_is_kiwi tagged me in the 13 questions tag, and I thought I'd put it in this book since it's the one I'm most well known for. The rules are: you answer the 13 questions they ask you, then you make up 13 new questions and tag 13 people to answer the new questions. Shall we?

What is your favorite quote?
"The best teachers are those who tell you where to look, but not what to see" —Buddha
I'm a sucker for Buddhist quotes

What is your main fandom?
Well it's a pretty even cross between the Mendes army and Teen Wolf

Do you have siblings? If so, how many?
Indeed, I have two siblings: a brother and a sister

What is something you wouldn't say to someone's face, but you would text it to them?
I can say no over texts, I always feel bad saying no in person

Celebrity crush atm?
Shawn Mendes... Always Shawn Mendes (although Dylan O'Brien always makes me swerve out of my lane)

Text, FaceTime, or call?
Text for sure, I can make excuses to leave any time I want

Favorite name for a boy?
Luke, Blake, or Jackson

Favorite movie of all time?

Morning person or night owl?
Depends, usually I'm a night owl but every once in awhile I go to bed on time and wake up early and I'm in a good mood, but that rarely happens

Candy or chocolate?
Chocolate all the way

Converse or vans?
Vanssss no doubt

What is your list of expectations from your perfect guy?
-he has to be sweet
-good sense of humor
-a perfect guy could sing but you know if not that's okay
-a perfect guy would also be reasonably attractive (call me shallow but you all know you think the same thing)
-confident but not cocky

What is your special talent?
I've been told I'm a good artist

Alright! Those are my answers, now here comes the questions!

1. What kind of lotion do you use?
2. Do you like Shawn Mendes?
3. Favorite thing to drink?
4. What genre of music do you listen to?
5. What is your favorite kind of bird?
6. What is your favorite tv show?
7. Which is scarier: snakes or spiders?
8. Most embarrassing experience?
9. Favorite subject and why
10. Would you like a hug?
11. Do you enjoy classic rock? (😏)
13. What are your pets and their names?
14. Did you notice I skipped 12 and went up to 14? 😂😏

And here are my tributes!
May the odds be ever in your favor ;)

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