Chapter 45

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"Today is going to be awesome," Sammy declares as he hops out of the bus and onto the soft Florida sand.

"True, have you noticed that we haven't had a single day off since we started this tour?" Cody points out.

Our special guests already left, so it's just me, Jake, Cody, Kenny, Skate, Sammy, the Jacks, and Shawn. Since today is our day off, we decided to go to the beach. Our bus driver, Jerry, found a practically empty one.

I walk between Shawn and Kenny calmly as everyone else except Cody takes off running.

"Hey Kenny," I nudge him softly with my hand.

"Yes?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Can you say circles?" I ask, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Circles....?" He says it as more of a question that a statement.

I shake my head. "No, no. Not like that. Say loud and proud, Kenny! Own the word!"

"Circles!" He declares.

Unable to contain it, I burst out laughing, and both boys give me strange looks.

"Does circles have some secret meaning that I am unaware of?" Kenny asks, confused.

"No, no," I regain my self control. "Its just that the way you say it is funny."

Shawn shakes his head. "It sounds pretty normal to me... Chrissa, you're a weirdo."

"Says the boy that will eat pure mustard out of the bottle," I retort playfully.

Kenny shakes his head at us and laughs.

Nothing could possibly ruin my day. It seems perfect so far.

"Come on Chrissy lets go into the water!" Shawn grabs my hand and drags me toward the ocean.

"Shawn!" I laugh. "I'm still wearing my clothes, hold on!"

I spread out my towel on the sand, and slip the white sundress off my shoulders, leaving me in my red flower print bikini.

The boys took off her shirts, but Jack and Cody decide to lay out and tan like losers instead of having fun in the water.

Kenny grabs my hand and tugged me toward the water. "Come on Squeaker, have some fun!"

"I'm going!" I laugh, allowing him to drag me into the cold water.

As soon as it gets to my ankles, I stop short, my previous decision to jump in wavering.

"Why'd you stop?" Shawn asks, tipping his head to the side like a puppy.

"Because it's cold!" I attempt to back out of the salty water, but Nate picks me up by the waist.

"Not so fast," Even though I can't see his face, I can practically hear his smirk. "You're not wussing out on us. Sorry."

He bunches his muscles, but by the time I realize what's happening, it's too late, and I'm already in the air.

With a splash, I land in a deeper part of the ocean, and my entire body gets soaked through with freezing water.

"Move around," Sammy suggests, laughing at my very unamused expression. "You'll get used to it faster."

Well, it's too late to warm up now. May as well.

I swim around in the water to warm up my body. Eventually it works, and I am no longer hesitant to have fun.

"Ow!" Shawn cries out.

Kenny opens his mouth to ask, but before he can say anything, Shawn lifts his foot out of the water, revealing a tiny red crab attached to his big toe.

"Ew! Crabs!" I shudder at the thought of one of those little crustaceans latching themselves into my bare skin, and jump into Sammy's back.

"You're scared of crabs?" Kenny raises his eyebrows.

"No," I fire back defensively. "I just don't like the idea of them touching me."

"Maybe I don't like the idea of you touching me," Sam sasses.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Too late for that, Sammerz."

"Hey," Nate looks around. "Where's Jack J at?"

Only then do I notice that I haven't seen Johnson since Skate threw me.

"Over there," Kenny points across the beach, where JJ stands talking to three familiar faces.

"Oh no," I groan, putting my head down on Sam's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks.

"Maybe if I close my eyes he'll go away," I whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Kenny matches my volume.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"You should at least say hi to Cam and Nash," Sam nudges me with the back of his hand. "You don't even have to talk to him."

"You're right," I cautiously climb off of his back and make my way over to where my brother has joined JJ in chatting with the boys.

"Cam!" I yelp excitedly.

"Chrissy!" He holds out his arms, and I jump into them.

Cameron hugs me and holds me at the same time.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask excitedly.

He sets me on the ground and flashes his signature pearly white grin. "We heard you guys and Shawn would be here. No way we were passing that up."

Next, I hug Nash tightly.

Hayes stares at the ground. I feel bad, but he is the last person I want to see.

"Wanna come play in the water?" I grab Cameron's arm.

"What kind of question is that?" He furrows his eyebrows. "Hell yeah I do!"

I pull him down the beach, but after a few seconds, he ends up being the one pulling me due to his increase in speed.

He and the other boys start catching up while I sit in the water and watch, occasionally offering my ever so helpful comments.

"Chrissa?" A hand rests on my shoulder, very softly, so his skin just barely brushes mine, as if he is scared to place any pressure.

Immediately, I stiffen, but I don't say anything.

"Can we talk?"

I turn slowly to meet his pleading blue eyes.

"Please?" He adds.

"I don't know, Hayes," I sigh. "What is there to talk about? What happened happened, and there's no taking that back."

He sighs and looks down. When he looks back up, his eyes are filled with a mixture of emotions: guilt, regret, sadness, "Please Chrissa... Please let me talk to you."

"Okay," I sigh, caving. I never could resist the eyes. "I guess we can talk."


Hope you enjoyed
Since its a cliffie I will TRY to update again soon
Sending love to every last one of you!

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