Chapter 20

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A/N really sorry I haven't been updating. Here is... DADADA! My 20th chapter. I already have ideas for my next fanfic 😋 if I did it, would y'all read it? (it would be Nash)

I step off the plane, yawning.

It's about 3 in the morning, and I'm finally back home.

I drag my suitcase along, until I feel someone pick me up and spin.

I wrap my arms around their neck.

" Jack!" I mumble.

He laughs. "That's my name. Ready to go home?"

I nod, burying my face in his neck. "Carry me..."

He laughs again and carries me to the car.

When we get back, some guy is standing on the porch.

We both get out, and Jack steps in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" He growls.

I try to look around Jack to see him, but I can't really... until he speaks.

"Can't I just come visit my two kids?" The man asks.

My blood runs cold.

"At three in the morning?" Jack questions, crossing his arms.

I step around and wait for his answer.

"Well um.... Chrissy dear! How are you?" He reaches out for me, and I take a step back.

"One, don't call me that. Two, better than I ever was with you. Three, don't you dare touch me." I say lowly.

He puts his hands up and takes a step back.

Jack frowns. "What do you really want?"

He shrugs. "Nothing."

"Get off our land before I call the police." Jack threatens.

My so-called father scowls and walks to his car. "This isn't over. Watch your back, Jack. Im not just accepting that you took my daughter away."

I just laugh and pull Jack into the house.

As soon as the door shuts, I hear a shout of, "SISSY'S HOME?"

A moment later, Sam runs down the stairs and picks me up.

"Sam!" I exclaim and hug him.

He hugs me back, then sets me down.

"Where's JJ?" I ask, looking around.

"Probably in his room. He's a little sick." Jack replies.

I yawn. "As much as I love you guys, I need sleep."

I kiss them both on the cheek, then walk up to my room.

The next morning, I put my hair in a messy bun, wear sweatpants and some random green t-shirt, then walk downstairs.

When I get to the living room, I am greeted by three of my favorite people ever.

You think I mean Jack, Jack, and Sam? Guess again!

I squeal and hug all three of them, as I was not expecting this.

In front of me are my best friend, Paige, my cousin, Ashton, and his girlfriend, Kyla.

Paige is average height with straight light blonde hair that falls down her back. She has pale blue eyes and is just plain gorgeous.

Next to her is the equally gorgeous Kyla. She has curly caramel colored hair that reaches to just below her shoulders, glowing bright blue eyes, unusually long eyelashes, and a splash of freckles across her nose. She is shorter than average, but still beautiful as ever.

Last but certainly not least, my cousin Ashton. He's tall with dirty blonde hair and striking green eyes. His hair is not too long, but just long enough for him to sweep it to the side.

Backstory time? Backstory time!

I met Paige in kindergarten, and we just kind of clicked. Pretty simple, but she's been there for me through everything.

Ashton and I got along really well, because our other cousins kind of didn't like me. The story of this is that Ash's parents are divorced too, but his step siblings hate both me and him. I grew up with him as kind of a second sibling, and we're still great friends.

Finally, Kyla. She's Ashton's girlfriend, as I already said. He started bringing her around about a year ago, and was actually kind of nervous about if we would get along or not. He honestly had nothing to worry about! Kyla is super sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly. So, basically, they're my three best friends.

"CHRISSA!" Paige squeaks, hugging me tightly.

"What's up Christopher, it's been awhile, babe." Ashton says, taking his turn to hug me.

I laugh. "It has, Ashley. I missed you!"

Oh, sorry. I forgot the 'pet' names. He calls me Christopher and I call him Ashley as a joke. Im not sure why.

Finally, I hug Kyla, who practically squeaks with excitement. Oh, Kyla.

I get the feeling that it will be a great day, until...

A/N OOOH A CLIFFY! I introduced new characters! Do you like them? Btw, if you're waiting for Chrayes, Trissa, or any other possible relationships I might do, IT WILL BE SOON, I SWEAR! Bye lovelies, and thanks for 1.5k!


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