Chapter 11: Continued

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Ok! So wattpad really... reallyyyy hates me for some reason. (lol I wrote hates and it autocorrected to Hayes. made my day.) So, for some reason, it cut off the second half of my chapter. I know, y'all are like, "there's a button to just edit it, ya know! Good lord, this crazy child must be blonde." CORRECTION! I USED to be blonde. haha, got you there. Anyway, I've tried that. Three times. So now I'm just going to write it here. OK, GO!

I watched them closely, trying not to laugh so hard that I fall over. Again.

JJ, being the awesome person that he is, decides to pull me in. (note the sarcasm)

I stand there awkwardly for a minute, and Aaron nudges me.

"Come onnn!" Matt yells.

I sigh and do the dance with them, pretending to be annoyed. Wanna know a secret? Of course you do. I actually had a lot of fun!

After the dance, I go back to Mahogany. The next couple hours fly by, especially with her teaching me new things about djing the whole time.

Finally, it comes the time for the #AskMagcon.

We all sit in a circle, and Shawn reads the first question.

"@MagconIsBae asks, So, have Sam and Chrissa been here the whole time, and you just didn't tell us yesterday?"

Jack grins. "No, actually, they flew in last night and surprised us."

I nudge Sam. "He was packing, not pickling peppers. While we're on that topic, pickling peppers? Really? You couldn't think of anything else that started with a p?"

He shrugs, and everyone else starts laughing.

"I said the first thing that popped into my head!" He defends himself.

I shrug. "Whatever you say, Wilk!"

"NEXT QUESTION! @JohnsonEqualsLyfe asks, Who twerks the best?"

I turn and stare at Cam, along with everyone else.


"@ChrissaGmyfave asks...."

I cut Carter off.

"Wait, I have a fan account? SAY WHAT NOW? Ok, continue!"

Carter laughs. "Anyway, she asks, Who do we ship Chrissa with?"

The boys look at each other and wiggle their eyebrows.


He holds the mic up to the crowd, and I hear many things. The one I hear the most though, is Hayes.

JJ gasps. "I SHIP IT! CAYES!!!"

A/N like I said, wattpad Hayes me. This chapter is short, because I'm having writers block. Peace, love, and...


I was going to say unicorns, but ok. LOVE Y'ALL! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!

~Tay (feat. Shawn)

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