Chapter 10

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I wake up to the loudspeaker saying that we are landing. I yawn and look at my phone. 2 in the morning.

I pity every poor soul who has to go through airport hassle at this ungodly hour. Oh, wait, I get to! Yay...

The next hour is a blur. Sam and I get our luggage, hail a taxi, and struggle to stay awake for a 20 minute drive to our hotel.

Well, I struggle. Sam stays up this late often, so he's doing just fine.

We pull up at a nice looking hotel, and walk inside. Sammy checks us in, and we go up to the hallway of our room.

As we get to our door, I hear several familiar voices.

I stiffen. Uh, oh... I peek around the corner. Crap.

Coming this way are Jack, Jack, Matt, Nash, and Hayes.

"Hurry Sam!" I whisper yell.

He must've heard them too, because he practically shoves me inside.

I put my ear to the door.

"Weren't there just people here?" Matt's voice asks. "I think so, but who would be getting here at two in the morning?" Nash's voice responds.

I snicker and sit down on my bed. "They didn't see us, Sam."

He nods. "Alright, good."

Suddenly, my phone rings for FaceTime. Of course, it's Jack. I signal for Sam to be quiet, and answer it.

"Hey Jackie!"

He laughs. "Hi Chrissa, didn't expect you to be up this late."

I yawn. "Yeah, I was just about to go to sleep." He nods, but squints a little.

"That's not your room..." I smile convincingly, "I'm at a friend's house tonight."

"Oh, which friend?" He asks curiously.

"It's Paige, but I should go, Jack. Love you!"

He smiles. "Love you too, Chrissa, can't wait to see you Friday. Hell, I miss you already."

I blow him a kiss, and turn it off. That was close. I flop back onto my bed, closing my eyes.

Before I know it, I'm fast asleep.

I wake up the next morning to Sam on the phone, and stretch.

I grab some clothes and run to the bathroom.

I shower, brush my teeth, dry my hair, then curl my hair. I put on a long brown sweater, black leggings, and cute brown boots.

After that, I pull my curled hair into a loose, low side ponytail, and apply a little mascara.

After all that's done, I walk out, and Sam is off the phone. He smiles at me.

"That was Bart. I told him our plan, so he will be here in a second to give us our backstage passes."

I smile back and nod. "So what's the plan?"

"We're gonna go ten minutes early, and just kind of be sitting backstage until they notice us." He replies.

I give him a thumbs up, and I hear Cameron's voice yell from across the hall, "Bart! Where are you going?"

I shrug it off, and the door is knocked on. I peek through the hole and see Bart.

I open it, and he says quickly, "Hello Chrissa, Cameron is coming, just take these, I have to leave before he sees you."

I nod and take the passes, and he pulls the door shut.

I look out the peep hole, to see Cameron. "Who was in there?" He inquires.

"A couple of my assistants, nosy boy." Bart replies with a laugh.

Cameron shrugs and says, "Oh." Then they walk off.

I throw Sam's pass to him, and play on my phone until its time to go.

Sam checks the hallway, then rushes me downstairs.

We get into the car, and jam out to music for the whole ride... again.

We pull up at the building where magcon is being held, and security lets us in with no problem.

"Now we wait." Sam says once we're in the backstage area. We both sit in chairs that are a across the room from each other, and casually get on our phones.

I look through my tweets, and laugh at one. Its a picture of me kissing Gilinsky's cheek, and she captioned it with, "What is going on with this girl and Jack?"

Ok, obviously a newborn. It's ok though, the tons of fans who know what they're talking about were sure to set her facts straight.

Suddenly I hear footsteps. I glance up, to see Matt and Aaron walking past.

They walk right past us... good job, guys.

I glance at Sam, and can tell he is also trying to control his laughter. I catch his eye, and he winks.

We both go back to our phones, when Matt screams and runs back.

He runs straight to me and picks me up. "GUYS! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" I turn and smile at him. "Fancy meeting you here, Espinosa."

He kisses my cheek. "I MISSED MY CHRISSY!"

He hugs me tighter, and Sam laughs from across the room. Probably at my facial expression.

"Sam is here to? OH MY POTATOES, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME." Finally, Nash walks in. "What the f*ck are you yelling about, Matt?"

He freezes when he sees me and Sam. "THEY HAVE COME TO US!" I laugh as he runs over, high fives Sam, and kisses my cheek.

Matt switches his position so that he's holding me like a baby.


At that, all of the boys filter into the room. It takes a minute to process, but they all rush over at the same time.

Jack takes me from Matt, and hugs me tightly. "YOU LIAR!"

I laugh at him, and he hands me to JJ.

I kiss JJ on the cheek, so he laughs and puts me down. Finally, I've hugged everyone but Hayes.

He's just standing there with a silly grin on his face. Waiting for me, apparently.

I run and jump into his arms.

We hug for a second, and I kiss him on the cheek and let go.

Finally, the time comes to start the show. ITS GO TIME!

A/N that was terrible. I have a headache rn, but I wanted to post today. Sorry. Not saying my other chapters are good, btw, because I know they aren't. Ok, bye lovely people.


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