Chapter 2

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A/N zero reads! whoo! ok, my last chapter is a little weird at parts, because I wrote it at 2 in the morning and I got like a total of 5 hours of sleep within two days. I have slept now, though, so this chapter will hopefully be better.

I grab my suitcase and run out to Jack's jeep.
I get in the back, since we're picking up JJ and Sammy.
Sam's house is closer, so we pick him up first.
He gets in the back with me, because I'm fabulous.
After we get JJ, Sam and I play Rock Paper Scissors all the way to the airport.
I know it seems like I should be closer to JJ, since he's been Jack's friend for longer, but for some reason I've always been closer to Sam. Maybe because usually when the boys go to magcon, Sammy is the one who takes care of me.
I have a suspicion that he's why I get to come this time. If Sam is going, there would be nobody to watch me while they were gone. I know what you're thinking. "But Chrissa, you have parents, right?" yes, I do. But my parents are either always on business trips, or not in the house because of some argument. They fight... a lot.
I snap out of my thoughts as we pull into the airport.
I grab my suitcase and run inside, the boys close behind.
We pass through security quickly, probably because me and JJ aren't exactly threatening.
They take a little longer on Jack and Sam. Mostly Jack, since I was holding Sam's hand most of the time. Apparently people don't look as threatening when they have a 13 year old girl holding their hand.
We board the plane pretty quickly, and I end up in a seat between the window and Sam, with Jack and Jack occupying the seats behind us.
I look eagerly out the window as we take off. The sights are so beautiful... Goodbye Omaha!
I play on my phone for awhile, struggling to stay awake.
I fail and fall asleep with my head on Sammy's shoulder.
I don't know how long the plane ride was, or even when I fell asleep. All I'm aware of is a strange swaying motion. I open my eyes completely, and realize Sam is carrying me off the plane.
"I'm up, put me down please, Sammy!"
He looks down in surprise, then sets me gently on my feet.
Jack notices I'm awake and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Welcome to New Jersey, Chrissa."
I smile and look around, but only then do I realize the swarms of fans around us. I look around in awe. All these girls came to see my brother and his two weird friends? That's insane.
Suddenly something catches my eye. A girl of 10 or 11, holding up a sign that says, "I love you Chrissa!"
I stop walking and stare at it. I have about 600K Vine followers, but I thought they were pretty much all just fans of my brother.
I smile at the girl, and she gasps and waves.
Jack looks back to see the holdup, then smiles at the girl with the sign. "Sorry Chris, but we have a schedule!"
He picks me up by the waist and slings me over his shoulder. Wow, classy.
I wave to the girl as he carries me away, and hear several cameras and sounds of recording.
Before I know it, I'm being set down in a rental car.
JJ hops in the driver seat, with Jack sitting shotgun and Sammy in the back with me.
I get out my phone, and see I've just been tagged in several vines. I look at one, and it's Jack picking me up by the waist and carrying me. The caption is, "Aww! I love their brother/sister relationship. It's so cute!"
I smile and revine it.
Sam pokes my shoulder. "Rock Paper Scissors?" he asks.
I laugh. "Of course!"
We play Rock Paper Scissors for the whole car ride... once again.
Finally we pull up at a nice looking hotel, and we all walk in.
Jack told me earlier that we're the last ones here, so I get to meet all of them here and now.
Hopefully it won't be overwhelming.
After Jack talks to the lady at the front desk, she leads us up to the room where everybody is at.
Jack flings the door open, and everyone stares at him.
Then they jump up and greet them both.
"Is this Chrissa?" Cameron Dallas asks. I've always loved him and the other boys.
Jack nods and picks me up, setting me on his shoulder. "Hey everybody! This is-" Jack starts, but JJ interrupts. "That's bae! Bae, say hi to the boys!"
I start laughing, and everyone else does too.
"Ok, she's bae, but she's also my little sister Chrissa. I know she's adorable, but don't try anything. I'm talking to you, Dillon!" The guy, Dillon Rupp, puts his hands up in surrender.
Jack sets me down, and I look for Sam. He's already talking to some of the other boys. Good, he's made himself at home.
I feel a soft tap on my shoulder and turn around. There stands the beautiful Mahogany LOX.
She smiles. "Hello Chrissa! I'm your roommate!"
I smile back equally as brightly. "Yay! It'll be fun!"
She nods and is about to say something else, but Jacob... Yes, Jacob Whitesides, walks over and talks to her.
She tries to talk to me again, but gets distracted, so I wave and walk over to Jack.
He's catching up with Matt. Jack grins when he sees me. "Matt, this is Chrissa. You know that already, but it's whatever."
Matt smiles and shakes my hand. "Hello Chrissy! I am the Matthew Lee Espinosa, and may I just say, ZAYUM BAE!"
I start laughing, and they do too. "Nice to meet you, Espinosa."
He bows. "The pleasure is all mine." He says in a terrible British accent.
I roll my eyes, but the smile doesn't leave my face.
I just got here, and these people already seem like family. This is going to be a great week.

A/N okayyy! so this chapter is a little longer, and I'll keep working on that. Expect another chapter by Wednesday! if anyone ever even reads this 😂. Anyway, smile because you're gorgeous! Have a great day, my lovelies!


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