Chapter 3

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I stand on the table with my phone, and yell, "SELFIE!" Why? Because Nash told me it would be funny.
Sure enough, every boy in the room poses in some weird way.
I go ahead and take the picture, because, memories, ya know?
I jump down and post it on Instagram.
Nash crosses his arms, and in a girly voice, says, "You didn't let me see it first! Becky how could you!"
He gets on Instagram. "I look so ugly! Ugh, next time let me see it, Becky!" He tries to keep it up, but he starts laughing and likes the picture.
Every single one of the boys are hilarious. I've talked to all of them, and they seem really nice. Mahogany is super sweet too, and I'm positive that we'll get along great.
"Hey Chrissa!" I turn around to see who called. I scan the faces, and see Carter beckoning me, so I walk over.
"Yep?" I reply, popping the p once I'm there.
"Does Jack really still sleep with a teddy bear?"
I start laughing, and open my mouth to respond, but Jack covers it. "Of course I don't! That would be silly!" He tells Carter.
I shake my head a little, and Carter bursts out laughing.
I feel someone grab my hand, and turn to see Mahogany. "Are the boys being annoying? We can go to our room now, if you want."
I laugh and nod, and every one of the boys in the room gasp in fake hurt, except Jacob and Shawn.
I stick out my tongue, and Mahogany leads me to our room.
I sit cross legged on the open bed, where Jack had already dropped off my stuff.
Mahogany sits by me, and we work out a schedule for the mornings.
We would basically take turns getting the bathroom first, and getting breakfast.
After about an hour of just chatting, someone knocks on the door.
I skip over and answer it, and Nash stands there. "Hey, I'm gonna film my first youtube video... you two wanna be in it? Chris, Jack and Jack will."
I nod, but Mahogany shakes her head. "I'd rather stay, but you have fun Chrissa! Nash, take care of her."
He salutes her, and I wave as we walk out and to his room.
I sit on Aaron's bed between JJ and Taylor.
Aaron starts the camera and... I would like to say that Nash gets his video done, but nope... complete chaos erupts.
Nash tries and fails several times to speak, and I spend most of the video laughing at their randomness.
I completely lose it when Jack stands up, looks at the camera, and says, "I never believed in blankets til I saw one!"
Matt shakes me. "Chrissy! its ok! He saw the blanket!"
I manage to calm down, and Nash almost... ALMOST gets everyone to shut up.
For some reason, Aaron pushes the alarm clock off the night stand, and Jack puts his hands on his hips. "Yeah, you stay there, that's where you belong!"
Eventually Nash gives up and decides to end the video. "Thanks for watching this complete fail video with.. JC Caylen, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Carter Reynolds, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, and the bae, Chrissa Gilinsky."
Matt turns off the camera, and we all kind of hang out for awhile, not really noticing that its 2 am.
At some point, Sam, Shawn, and Mahogany join us.
Suddenly there's a knock at the door, as I'm judging an arm wrestling contest between Cameron and JC.
Sam gets up and answers it, and whoever is at the door sounds angry.
"JC wins!" I declare as Cam's hand hits the table.
I stand up and walk to the door.
"Just plain disrespectful to everyone else in the hotel."
Sam looks slightly amused, and puts his hand on my shoulder.
The man continues, completely oblivious to everything around him. "So, I think you should really all shut the f..." He trails off, noticing me. "Oh, um, sorry. I didn't know there was a lady present."
His eyes go over my body, and Sam's amusement quickly turns to overprotectiveness. (is that a thing? whatever, it is now 😂)
He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. "We'll try to be quieter, sir."
The man continues staring, and Sam pulls me as close as possible, so I'm basically pressed against him. "Have a good night, sir." Sam says and shuts the door.
I laugh and he releases me.
After about another hour, Mahogany and I go back to our room, and go to bed.

A/N I know I said I wouldn't update til probably Wednesday, but I did warn that my schedule would be irregular, and there's a really annoying cricket outside my window so I can't sleep. Therefore, this chapter has been written! It probably sucks, but sorry! I love you all, don't forget that you're fabulous, my lovelies!


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