Chapter 32

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See that video? It gives me feels. IT GIVES ME FEELS. The freaking Voice. I remember sitting on my bed scrolling through his vines thinking, "Wow, that's a lot of likes. He's getting pretty big." And then I see things like this and I cry because he's just so huge now. I just thought y'all might want to share in my feels.
Shawn grabs my arm and waves as we run off the stage, the boys all following behind.

"Chrissa!" Matt exclaims.

"YOU NEVER TOLD US ABOUT THIS?" Cameron screams.

I shrug, ducking my head so they don't see the pinkness blooming in my cheeks.

"How did I not know about this?" Jack asks. "And how did Shawn know about it?"

"Miss Gilinsky," Bart pipes up before I can answer. "It would've been nice if you would've shared this with us. You're going to be a regular at magcon events from now on, and you'll be singing at the shows."

I raise an eyebrow. "Sam has to come too."

Bart crosses his arms. "What do you mean Sam has to come?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. If Sam doesn't come, I don't come." I warn.

"But Chrissa... we don't always have enough hotel rooms..." He trails off.

"If Chrissa doesn't come, I don't come," Jack announces.

JJ glances at him. "That includes me."

"If the Omaha Squad doesn't come, it'll be less fun. You can count me out too," Matt decides.

Carter nods. "Same."

Just as Cameron opens his mouth to speak, Bart puts his hand up for silence. "None of you are leaving! Geez, kid. Sam can be a regular too. Just everyone calm down. Chrissa, Sam, I just need a few signatures. Meet me in my hotel room at 7 tonight."

JJ looks back at me. "Now that that's settled, answer the question! How did Shawn know but nobody else did?"

Sammy coughs. "I knew."

"What? How?" Aaron asks.

"She thought she was home alone and was singing in her room, and I heard her," He shrugs like its no big deal.

"But how did Shawn know?" Carter asks, wearing the same confused look as the other boys.

"Shawn knows because Sammy is a blabber mouth," I explain, shooting a playful glare at Sam.

"Sam! Why couldn't you blab to all of us?" Cam whines.

He puts his hand on the back of his neck. "Because she'd kill me."

"Okay! It happened! You all know now! Can we move on to another topic!?" I say loudly.

Shawn laughs. "Sure, Chrissy. What should we do now?"

"We could get some food," Aaron suggests.

"McDonalds?" Carter suggests.

I smile, not saying anything about how I hate fast food. I'll just get something at the hotel.

"But Chrissa doesn't-" Hayes starts.
He doesn't get to finish because I clamp my hand over his mouth. Luckily nobody heard him but Matt.

We drive to McDonalds and just go through the drive-thru.

"What do you want, Chrissa?" Taylor asks from the front, where he's ordering from.

"Nothing! I'll eat back at the hotel," I tell him.

"What? Why?" Nash questions loudly.

"Like I was trying to say earlier," Hayes says sassily, shooting me a playful glare, "is that Chrissa doesn't like fast food."

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