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Last year, in my math class, we were taking a test and I finished and started drawing. The girl next to me (I'll call her A) asked me how to do a problem, and immediately, my stupid math teacher stood up and yelled, "TAYLOR AND A! I see you cheating over there!" Now usually, I can keep a pretty cool temper with teachers and adults. So I calmly said, "I'm not cheating." And that bitch had the nerve to snatch my drawing away and look at it to see if I was writing the answers. (Note: I didn't even have my fricking test. it was turned in) Well, that blew it. I stood up and very loudly said, "I'm. Not. Cheating." She not only didn't give my drawing back, but she went on this long spill about how cheating was bad and how she's going to call my parents later. Quick reminder, the whole class was watching. So obviously, I got mad. "I SAID I WASNT CHEATING! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? I WAS SITTING HERE DRAWING AND NOW IM BEING ACCUSED OF CHEATING!" And my idiot friend (I'll call him L) was stupid enough to go, "OHHHHH!"
So the teacher sent me into the hallway and came out and yelled at me about respecting the teacher and shit so I was pissed for the whole day. She never ended up calling my parents, but I still hate her to this day. The end. That is my random story for now just because. Okay, I'll shut up and leave now. But first, do yall like the random story times? I'll keep doing them if you do because I have a lot of awkward/fabulous stories to tell. If you don't like them, let me know in the comments please please please because if you don't, then I don't know what to do. Lots of love!
PS My best friend paige_13_ just posted her first chapter of her very first book! You should totally go check that out! Have a fantastic day, my lovelies!
PPS that video physically hurts me to watch
PPPS I'm working on chapter 33, it will be up either tonight or sometime tomorrow. PINKY SWEAR

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