Chapter 33

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I made a new cover guys! I've been meaning to for awhile, and since I changed my username, I finally had a good reason. Picture up there! (Or to the side if you're on a computer)

"Chrissa? Are you really crying?" Hayes asks, trying to hold back his laughter. "It's just a Disney movie!"

I glare at him and brush the tear away from my eye. "It's a sad Disney movie!"

He rolls his eyes, still grinning, and turns his attention back to the Fox and the Hound.

Suddenly, a loud knocking comes at the door.

Sighing, I remove Hayes's arm from my waist and take my head off his shoulder to walk to the door.

The knocking comes again, this time louder and kind of angry.

"Who is it?" I call cautiously.

"Chrissa, it's Bart! Just let me in!" The man outside says.

"Ugh, him..." I mutter, shooting an eye roll at Hayes.

I pull the door open, and a very annoyed Bart steps in.

"You and Sam were supposed to meet me in my room an hour ago!" He starts angrily.

"Oops, lost track of time," I reply, monotone.

"Whatever," he spits. "Just sign these papers."

Rolling my eyes, I scribble my signature on the papers while Bart glares at me and Hayes looks on from the couch.

"Where's Sam?" He asks snottily.

"I don't freaking know," I shoot back, copying his tone of voice.

He just glares and starts to walk out, but pauses and turns around. "One more thing. You and Hayes can't date. The fans won't like it and may stop coming to magcon, which means we lose profits."

"Excuse me?" I growl.

"Ooh, shouldn't have done that," Hayes says, standing up.

"Mr. Bordelon, I don't think you have any right to tell me how to live my life. I'm going to date Hayes if I want to date Hayes, and you're going to like it. And if you don't, then kick me out of magcon. See how that works out for you. I can assure you that you will be losing much more profit that way than if Hayes is my boyfriend," I tell him, annoyance seeping into my voice.

Bart stares at me, speechless. He is apparently not used to getting told "no", especially not by a girl.

"The sass is real," Hayes coughs, laughing. "For real though, Bart. Chrissa is my girlfriend, and you can't change that. So just run along and find Sam."

Bart just blinks, so it's obvious he doesn't have a response. For a few seconds he just stares, until something to say squeezes itself into his tiny brain. "You two have no respect for adults, do you? Chrissa, I understand that from you, since you don't live with adults, but Hayes? Really?"

That was a step too far, and Hayes knows it too. He puts his hand on my shoulder, probably as a warning.

"You asshole! Do you think I chose to not have my parents anymore? Do you think I like not having a mom and dad to kiss me goodnight and tell me they love me?" I ask, venom lacing my voice.

His eyes widen, realizing what he said, and he desperately tries to fix it. "Th-that's not what I meant..."

I cut him off angrily. "I don't care what you meant! I'm actually a very respectful person, but here's the thing. I don't respect people unless they respect me. And you, sir, have zero respect for me! I'm going to treat you like you treat me! I'm not some empty headed little girl who just goes along with everything she's told! I think you should leave."

This time, Bart is completely speechless. He has absolutely nothing to say to that, so simply, he turns around and leaves.

"Damn, Chris. You're the first one of us to stand up to him like that," Hayes murmurs.

Clapping sounds from the doorway as Jack, Jack, and Sam walk in.

"Wow, sis. Wow," Jack says, leaning against the wall.

"You heard that?" I ask, a little embarrassed from going off like that.

"Every word. You roasted his ass!" JJ laughs.

Sam tries to say something, but is laughing to hard to get the words out and ends up having to sit down.

Jack smiles at me. "I'm glad you can stand up for yourself like that. I don't meet many people who can do that."

"You should have seen his face!" Sammy finally gets out. "He looked so mad and confused at the same time!"

JJ pets my hair creepily. "Yes, yes. We have raised her well, boys. I shall rename her... the sass queen!"

Hayes pushes his hair out of his face. "Do you think he's going to find a way to punish us?"

I laugh out loud. "No! Whatever he does to us will come back and bite him in the butt, and he knows it. We're basically invincible."

Jack grins. "True that. I think the others are in Cameron's room. Want to go?"

We all say various forms of "yes" or nod, and set off toward the Cash room.

It turns out, only Nash, Cam, Matt, Carter, and Taylor are there.

"Aye, Omaha squad!" Matt greets us happily.

Hayes sticks his tongue out at him. "Thanks, Matt."

Matt laughs. "Sorry, Hayes. What should we do, guys?"

"First off, we need to order a pizza," Nash decides.

Carter works on that, and the rest of us sit in various places and chat until a soft knock is heard on the door.

Cam walks over and opens it. "Oh, hey, Bart! What's up?"

"Is Sam in here?" He asks, his voice sounding much quieter and less bossy than usual.

"Oh shit, hold Chrissa back," Jack whispers jokingly.

"Oh, yeah, um, he's over by Chrissa," Cam replies, stepping out of the way.

Bart noticeably stiffens, but tries to walk in casually and goes over to Sam, avoiding my gaze.

Everyone in the room stops and just watched as he whispers nervously to Sam about signing the papers.

I cross my arms, and he flinches at my sudden movement. What the hell? It's not like I hit him!

After Sam signs the papers, Bart collects what he needs and hurries out of the room.

"What the hell was that all about? Not the papers, but the way he was acting?" Matt asks loudly.

JJ laughs out loud. "He's just jumpy because he tried to boss Chrissa around earlier and she totally roasted him. Apparently people don't usually argue."

The boys who weren't there listen intently as JJ tells them the whole story, and I lay back on Cam's bed, just listening to them laugh and talk.

Hayes sits beside me and smiles a little, making me smile because his is just too contagious.

It just makes me wonder.. what would I be doing if my parents actually acted like parents? If Jack wasn't my brother? What would I be doing then?

Does it need more or less drama? Btw happy Easter (for tomorrow since I'll probably be too busy to upload. Note the "probably". I might find time)

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