Chapter 31

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I put another video of the audio of him performing live because I freaking love it. If you don't like it, don't listen to it. Simple! By the way, I am not doing my homework right now because I wanted to write this instead. I'll let you know if I fail or not 😂✌️
I inhale a deep breath as I walk beside Shawn to the limo.
Why did I let him talk me into this? Is it too late to back out?
As if reading my thoughts, he puts his arm on my shoulder and smiles reassuringly.
"I have a bad feeling about this, Shawn..." I whisper as we sit down. Somehow, we are the first ones in the limo.
"They'll love you. You have a beautiful voice, Chrissa," he consoles me.
"Chris! You forgot your medicine!" Jack exclaims, climbing in.
"Oh, oops. I'll be fine," I tell him quickly.
He sighs. "Fine, but if you feel bad, like at all, let me know."
I give him a thumbs up and watch the rest of the boys get into the limo.
Vines have been made, vlogs have been recorded, songs have been sung, and dances have been done by the time we reach the event.
"I can't," I whisper to Shawn.
"You can. And you'll rock the whole stage," he mumbles back.
"Ooh, secrets! Whatcha whisperin' about, Shawn?" Matt asks loudly.
"How you guys are weird and can't dance," I tell him casually.
"Ouch! That stings, Chris!" JJ laughs.
"We will prove you wrong at the event," Cameron decides, getting out of the limo.
We all follow his example, and Shawn stays right next to me.
"Chrissa, you know I won't make you do this if you don't want to," he says quietly.
"I want to, Shawn. Its just- they aren't going to like me," I sigh.
He just shakes his head and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You're right, they won't like you."
I whip my head over and stare at him in surprise. I wasn't fishing for compliments or anything, but zayum... I wasn't expecting that from Shawn.
He laughs. "You didn't let me finish. They won't like you.. they'll love you."
"You butt!" I yell, smacking him lightly on the arm.
This, of course, just makes him laugh harder.
"Come on, Chris, we'll be late," he says, pulling my arm towards the nearby building.
Sighing, I allow him to drag me to his table, which is just him again.
Same as yesterday, I climb on top of it and sit down to watch him interact with his fans. He's so sweet with them.
I believe, if I don't count Sam, JJ, or my friends back home, Shawn Mendes is my best friend.
"What do you think we're doing after the event?" He asks, looking up from signing a t-shirt.
"I don't know. Someone's probably going to film a video, someone will go to Starbucks as usual, and then we'll all get in trouble by the hotel like every night. Why? Got some special plans or something, muffin man?" I tease.
The girl he is currently taking a selfie with laughs a little, earning a smile from Shawn.
"Nah, chick. I was just wondering," he jokes back, imitating my voice.
The rest of VIP drags by. I usually hate sitting through it, but staying by Shawn is a lot more fun.
The other guys are a blast, of course, but they all get really engaged when they're busy and forget everything around them. Shawn still talks to me during it.
We walk slowly to the backstage area while the general admission girls get let in.
They all scream when the see Shawn, but can't really get past the ropes.
"Oh, I guess we're the holdup," Shawn laughs.
Before I can react, he sweeps me off my feet and runs backstage, the girls screaming, laughing, and yelling.
"About time!" Bart says, annoyed, as Shawn puts me down in the room.
"Chrissa, I'm announcing you today since they usually get excited about you. You'll go out right after I announce that we have special guests with Sammy," Mahogany explains quickly before walking onto the stage.
The boys' names get called one by one, until finally, she says, "And our special guests! Chrissa Gilinsky and Sammy Wilk!"
All the fan girls scream, and I smile at them as I walk past and find my usual spot beside Mahogany.
She ruffles my hair. "Hey Chris! I haven't seen you all day! How's the arm?"
I smile. "It's fine. No pain!"
"Great!" She exclaims, then turns her attention back to the boys. "Nae Nae or Lipgloss?"
"I can't dance!" Shawn yells at the same time as Matt screams, "NAE NAE!"
Laughing, Mahogany turns on Nae Nae, so all the boys, excluding Shawn, start to dance.
After the song ends, Cameron challenges Shawn to a push up contest, Jack and Jack sing, a dance battle breaks out, Shawn sings the Cameron Dallas song, the boys answer a few questions, and basically all out craziness erupts.
"Before this event is over, Shawn is going to perform a couple songs!" Nash yells into the microphone, earning crazed screams.
Shawn steps up to the mic and sings Life of the Party by himself. I notice how the whole audience is completely captivated, hanging on to his every note.
I smile to myself. Shawn is going to be huge one day. I just know it.
"For the last song of the day, I'm going to have someone else come sing with me," Shawn tells the fangirls once his song is over.
Them and the boys give each other confused looks. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, making me want to faint and vomit simultaneously.
"Jack Gilinsky?" One girl's voice rings out, echoing around the room.
"Shawn, I never agreed to this!" Jack whines.
Shawn flashes him a grin. "I never said it was you, Jack. Chrissa, get over here."
I take in a shaky breath of air, and let my feet carry me to Shawn.
Everyone looks confused, including the boys, except Sammy, who is grinning stupidly.
Shawn drapes his arm over my shoulder. "This is my partner in crime. She's an awesome singer, but has been keeping it to herself. But today, I convinced her to sing with me! How do you guys feel about Grenade by Bruno Mars?"
The audience screams, and Jack just stares with his mouth open.
Shawn starts the song on his own, then nudges me gently with his elbow.
I inhale a gulp of air, then begin singing along softly.
Eventually, the volume of my voice rises to match Shawn's, and the whole audience just stares. They don't say anything, clap, or even blink. Several have their phones out, recording.
The song ends, and I look at Shawn.
He's already staring at me with a goofy grin spread across his face. "You killed it, Chris!"
Suddenly, the silence is broken as the girls in the audience begin screaming and clapping.
I rub the back of my neck self consciously.
At least I know the fans liked it, but how are the boys going to react?
Omg guys. I HIT 5K! I'm sorry I didn't answer all of the questions from the last chapter, but this is over 1,200 words, so I decided it would be better to split into two! I started this chapter last night while I was supposed to be doing homework, and finished it in the waiting room of the dentist office. Go me! Thank you all for reading and voting! 5k reads is HUGE, and it means an awful lot to me.

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