Chapter 27

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"Okay, and you just press that button to start it. Bada bing, bada boom!" Connor finishes.
He just helped me set up my own YouTube channel.
I honestly have no idea what to post, but whatever, everyone has been telling me to do this.
"Thanks Connie!" I thank him, adding a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Yo, Con! We gotta go!" Jc yells into my room.
Connor stands up and ruffles my hair. "See you later, Chris."
I wave as he runs out of the room and sigh.
Completely alone in a hotel room is not my idea of fun. We have magcon today, but it's not for another two hours.
Where are the boys and Mahogany even at? I don't have a clue.
Technically, I'm not supposed to leave the hotel alone, but Starbucks is just right across the street...
I stare out the window at it, weighing my options. If I go, I risk getting in trouble. But if I don't, I won't have Starbucks.
My need for caffeine eventually wins the mental argument, so I grab my wallet and run out the door. What could possibly go wrong?
The front desk lady watches me run out, and slightly rolls her eyes.
I easily cross the street and go into the coffee shop.
"Vanilla bean frap?" I ask once I get to the counter.
"Sure. Name?" The guy asks.
"Chrissa," I tell him politely.
He looks up. "Pretty name. How do you spell that?"
I smile. "C-H-R-I-S-S-A."
He nods and goes into the back to make it.
A moment later, he hands my my drink, so I give him the money and walk out.
I don't even make it to the street before two girls around my age stop me.
"Are you Jack's sister?" One of them asks, wrinkling her nose in disgust and looking me up and down.
"Oh, um... yeah..." I stutter, uncomfortable with their stares.
"You made Jack mad at us," the shorter one huffs.
I look up. "I-I'm sorry?"
The one in front rolls her eyes and shoves me hard enough that I fall.
It wouldn't have hurt... except my left arm landed in the street at the exact moment a car rolled past.
Both girls obviously panic and run away as soon as a loud crack is heard.
Pain paralyzes my entire right arm, and I squeeze my eyes closed.
I don't dare look at it, afraid that if I see what it looks like, I'll pass out.
Hot tears of pain roll down my cheeks, and I use my left arm to help myself stand up.
The Starbucks cashier runs outside, and I can barely focus.
"Oh my god!" He exclaims. "I saw what happened, and... oh my god, your arm! You need to go to a hospital."
I lean against a pole, breathing heavily as he dials 911.
Luckily, the hotel is near a hospital, so it takes only a couple of minutes for the ambulance to arrive.
The workers rush me into it, and I barely have time to say "Thank you..." to the Starbucks employee.
I feel bad that I don't even know his name.
"Honey," A nurse speaks up, trying to get my attention. "Dear, I know it hurts, and you're having trouble staying awake, but who should we contact?"
"M-my brother..." I stutter, finding his number on my phone.
She quickly writes it down and asks what happened.
I use all my concentration to focus on her. "These girls p-pushed me into the str-eet and a car ran over m-my arm..."
"Oh, dear..." she mutters.
I sneak a peek at the damage and immediately wish I hadn't. My right arm is completely twisted and bloody from all the scrapes.
It proves to be too much for my mind, and I black out.
I really don't know how long I was out, but when I wake up, I'm in a large white room, and the pain has become just a dull throb.
My arm itself is wrapped in a splint, and there is a picture of the x-Ray on the screen in front of me.
The x-Ray is of course horrific and makes me want to throw up.
A doctor walks into the room and smiles at me. "Hello, Chrissa. I'm glad to see you're awake. Here's the deal.. For now we can only splint it. You need to come back in two days to get an actual cast, and you'll need to wear that and a sling for at least 3 months. The sling is right next to you, and your brother and friends are in the hall. We can get you checked out with his approval."
I nod and sit up, clutching my head, which is raging with a headache.
The doctor helps me put my arm in the sling, then leads me into the hallway.
"Chrissa, what the actual fuck? You scared me!" Jack whisper-yells when I get into the hall.
I don't want to tell him that it was his fans that did it.
"Sorry, Jack..." I mumble apologetically.
He sighs and wraps his arms around me. "I told you not to leave the hotel alone. What even happened?"
"I went to Starbucks and I- um, tripped on the way out and a car ran over my arm." I explain.
He raises an eyebrow disbelievingly, but doesn't press. "We're skipping magcon."
"What?!" I demand a little too quickly. "No we're not!"
His eyebrows shoot up. "Okay, geez. But we have to leave now if-"
I push him towards the nurse waiting to check me out. "Lets go then!"
Honestly I'd prefer to stay home and rest, but I can't let Jack miss magcon because of me. His fans would be upset, and I don't need a repeat of today.
After he checks me out of the hospital, we get in the car and drive to the event in silence. An obvious tension crackles in the air between us, but neither acknowledges it.
Finally, we arrive at magcon, where the VIP girls are just getting to go in.
I inhale sharply and mentally prepare myself. This is not going to be fun.
Whoaaaaaaaa! WHOAAAAA!! Not only did I update again today but a fan broke Chrissa's arm! WHAAAT WHO KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN?
Carter- you did....
Me- I guess I did but shhhh I UPDATED AGAIN ARENT YOU GUYS PROUD? That is 5 chapters in 3 days I AM ON A ROLL

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