Chapter 48

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"Come on!" Hayes urges. We're going to be late!"

I look up from my phone at him. "I've been ready for 15 minutes. You're the one still perfecting your hair."

He groans. "I was talking to my reflection! But I'm done now, let's go."

Laughing lightly, I stuff my phone in my purse and follow him out the door.

Jack, Jack and Nash meet us in the lobby, then we get into the limo we rented for the night.

Sammy and Skate would be here, but they have a music video to film.


"There you guys are!" Cameron runs up to us and grabs my shoulders. He starts shaking them until I feel slightly dizzy.

"Cam! I'm a person not a bobble head!" I remind him.

He laughs and releases me. "Right. But I'm so glad you came! It's perfect now!"

"Have you seen Andrea?" I ask him.

"What?!" He gasps and clutches his heart dramatically. "You'd rather see her than me?"

"No, I just need to say hi to her too," I laugh, rolling my eyes. "I still love you."

"Fine," he gives in with a smile. "She's over by the movie poster."

I look in the direction he's pointing, and spot her almost instantly. (A/N: ik she wasn't actually at the premiere but just pretend. Okay? Okay.)

"Andrea!" I screech as I run toward her- well, the closest thing to running while wearing heels. Heads turn toward me, unsurprisingly. Unlike most sophisticated events, however, most of the faces show big smiles.

She hugs me tightly as I skid to a stop in front of her.  "Hey Chris!"

"You're in a movie!" I squeal excitedly.

"I'm in a movie!" She repeats, mimicking my cheerful tone.

"I know!"

She shakes her head and laughs. "You're definitely something."

"Something amazing!" I add helpfully.

"Yup, Hayes is a lucky, lucky man boy," she agrees.

"Man boy?!" Hayes protests as he appears beside me, draping a lazy arm around my shoulders.

"Well you're not exactly a man yet," Andrea points out. "So you're a man boy."

"That's a called a teenager!" He exclaims over dramatically.

"Whatever," she lowers her voice and locks her eyes on me. "Jack still being problematic?"

"Yes," I groan. "He can't get it through his head that I do not want to spend any 'girl time' with Madison."

"She uses me as her excuse," Hayes cuts in.

"Chrissa! Would you mind if we asked you a few questions?" A lady with a microphone interrupts.

"Oh, of course!" I smile and follow her in front of a camera man.


I lay back against the bed frame of the hotel bed, grinning at the ceiling.

Never, in a million years, had I expected my first single to get the amount of feedback it is getting. There are so many positive reviews, I can't count them all.

"You made it," Hayes grins. He'd already made it his ringtone. "What's next? Selling out stadiums?"

"Not quite," I half smile at him. "This is just one step."

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