Chapter 16

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A/N Well, I made it to 16 chapters! Btw, nobody panic! I'm not stopping at 20. I have a lot of ideas for this book, and I get inspired for new ideas and chapters every day.

I am currently sitting in my room, on my laptop, face timing Jack.

It's around 3 in the morning, and my radio thing went great!

"Are you sure you're ok by yourself?" Jack asks, his concern showing in his voice.

I crack a grin. "You didn't see my vine, did you?"

He shakes his head in confusion as my smile grows wider.

"It just so happens that our2ndlife is here too, and they're in the same hotel! And they were on my flight. We made friends, I already love them, so it's all good."

He smiles. "I bet the guys want to say hi to o2l!"

I hold a finger up. "They might be asleep, hold on, I'll check."

I carry my laptop down the hall to Kian's room and knock.

He opens it up, and all the boys look up too.

"I thought you guys might be in here. People wanna say hi to you!"

They shrug, and Kian lets me in.

I set my laptop back down on the bed, turn the volume back up, and spin it so the boys see.

Sure enough, all of magcon is there, waiting.

"Heyooo!" Jc yells.

"HI!" They all yell back.

Trevor scoots over on the couch, so I sit by him.

"What are you guys doing?" I hear Hayes's voice ask in the background.

"Face timing Chrissa and o2l." Shawn answers.

Hayes runs over and climbs over Cameron's shoulder.

"CHRISSY!" He yells.

Matt smacks him playfully. "Quiet down, child! You're gonna get us kicked out of this hotel."

Connor pokes Kian. "We've already gotten in trouble because Keen the Bean likes to scream,"

I look at him in surprise. "That was you?"

Kian grins and nods.

"I should've known..."

The boys laugh, and I smile. O2l is really cool, especially since I thought I would have to spend this trip alone.

After awhile, magcon has to go, so I just chill with o2l. Yes, at 4 in the morning.

"You don't even feel like sleeping?" Ricky asks, surprise in his voice.

I shake my head. "Nope! Living with three teenage boys, I can't exactly go to bed early."

They all nod.

"Kian, Ricky. We should get to bed... We've got to get up early and do stuff tomorrow." Jc says.

"I'm going to sleep too." Connor says, yawning.

Sam happens to already be asleep on the couch.

"Aww! But Connor, I don't wanna sleep.." Trevor complains.

I stand up and stretch, scooping up my laptop.

"I'm not going to bed yet, Trevor. You can come hang with me!"

He grins, and we walk to my room together.

I set my laptop on a desk, and jump onto the couch.

Trevor sits next to me, and his face pales. "I forgot to make a video!"

I tilt my head a little.

"Chris, do you happen to have a camera?"

I nod and get it out of my suitcase, tossing it to him.

He smiles gratefully, and sets it up so he is sitting on a bed with it facing him.

I stand behind it, and wait for his signal.

"Okay, press record!" He announces.

I press the read button, and he starts the video.

"Hey what's up guys! I'm sorry, I know it's late! But we're on tour and I forgot to film. Im actually not even in my own hotel room! So, sorry if its not entertaining, but this is just a classic, laid back vlog. With a special guest, of course! Chrissa, get yo ass over here."

I laugh and walk over to where he is, and sit down beside him.

"If you don't recognize her, this is Chrissa Gilinsky. Im in her hotel room currently because the guys are boring at went to sleep. Its only like, 4:30 a.m.... I don't know why they would sleep right now. Whatever! This week's theme on o2l is.... truth week! Okay, Chrissy, tell me a truth that people don't know!"

Hmm... I can't tell them that I sing.... but...

"Sometimes I forget to pack my toothbrush, so I have to get a new one almost every time we go on a trip."

Trevor starts to laugh, and I grin.

"Your turn, Moran!"

"Um, I sleep with a stuffed Koala named Robert."

"Okay, round 2! Tell one truth about your childhood!"

I think for a second. "I used to make Jack carry me up the stairs because I thought a monster would eat my feet."

He nods. "Intriguing. I used to make my family watch me stand on a table and sing."

We continue on like this for two more rounds, until finally it's time for the video to be over.

"Thanks for watching, guys! Sorry again, I know it's technically Saturday... but, yeah! Thumbs up for Chrissa! Byyye!"

He turns off the camera, and edits/posts it quickly.

A/N okay, I know I've been posting fairly short chapters, but that's the only way I can post frequently. Love you guys, and thanks for reading my story!

Jack- They're only reading it because its about me....


JJ- I like your story...

*smirks at Jack* Why thank you, JJ. This is why I love you. BYE!

Jack- Peace, Love, and Paddle boats!

You said it wrong... AND UNICORNS!


~Tay, Jack, and Jack

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