Chapter 24

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Hello! I just wanted to say that I love you!
I open the door, and Jack greets me.
"Did you get the balloons?" He asks.
I throw them at him and run into the kitchen with the cake stuff.
Like all teenagers, before I start, I check my phone.
I notice immediately that JJ tweeted: "Wow, my friends suck. I can't believe they forgot."
I almost call him, but I have to stay strong. No matter how sad it is.
Reluctantly, I shove my phone in my pocket and start mixing the batter.
Hayes walks in and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey bae."
I smile at him and continue mixing.
"What? You're not even gonna say hi?" He asks.
I sideways glance at him and wave.
He frowns. "Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something?"
Sighing, I shake my head and kiss his cheek quickly.
"Chrissa! Please say something!" Hayes begs.
Without a word, I pour the batter into a pan and put it into the oven.
"Chrissa Rose Gilinsky! Talk to me!"
I put my hands up and walk into the living room, running into Matt and Carter.
"Matt, why won't you talk to me?" Carter asks.
Matt smirks and stares me down.
"Chris! What did I do? Say something!" Hayes pleads, shaking my shoulders.
I point at my phone to ask Matt a silent question.
He shakes his head. We can't text either.
Sighing, I walk off with Hayes on my trail.
"SHIT!" Matt suddenly yells as he stubs his pinky toe on the coffee table.
"HA! I WIN, LOSER!" I yell at him.
Hayes gawks at me. "Win? That was a game?"
I nod. "Duh!"
He blinks. "I thought you were mad at me!"
"Nah, Matt is just stubborn," I laugh.
Matt frowns. "No fair! Penalty on the coffee table!"
I stick my tongue out at him and walk over to Taylor, who is busily hanging streamers from the ceiling.
"Hey Caniff!" I greet him.
"Hi, Chrissa. How's life?" He asks, draping a pink streamer over my head.
I smile. "Just peachy. And you?"
"Eh, lot of hate but I'm good as always."
He looks at me and half smiles.
"Ugh, I know about hate. Over half of the fans don't realize that I'm Jack's sister." I explain.
"What?" Jack asks from across the room. "That's still happening? Okay, get over here. We're fixing this now."
I jump up and walk over. He takes a selfie of us and posts it on Instagram with this caption:
"Guys, this is Chrissa, my sister. My SISTER. She's not a threat to me or whatever the hell you guys think. She is my SISTER. Stop hating on her because it's pissing me off. In case you didn't get it, one more time. Chrissa. Is. My. Sister. If she continues to get hate I will have to go to higher measures. You guys are my fans, so you shouldn't be hating on my sister. Especially not in person. She is only 14 and does not need all this stupid hate just because she was born with the last name Gilinsky. She is just like Sierra for Cam, Aaliyah for Shawn, and Matt's siblings. She's just a sweetheart. Thank you, and I love you guys. Also I really appreciate the fans that support Chrissa as much as me."
To make his point, he posts a link to that picture on Twitter and says: "read that whole caption."
I kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks, Jackie."
Just then, the oven goes off, so I run into the kitchen and take the cake out of the oven.
"Cool for 5-7 minutes..." I read out loud. "What am I supposed to do for 5 minutes?"
"I got the drinks!" Cameron announces, walking into the kitchen.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "No alcohol, right Cam?"
He puts his hands up in surrender. "Of course not. I got kool aid, lemonade, and soda... Are you going to lick that spoon?"
I laugh. "Nah, it's all yours."
Happily, he grabs the batter-covered spoon and licks it.
The timer I set for five minutes goes off, so I carefully move the cake from the pan to a plate and slather frosting all over it.
After it is properly frosted, I proceed to write "We Didn't Forget" with the colorful frosting and cover it in sprinkles.
Finally, for the finishing touch, I place 19 candles around the edge of the cake.
Suddenly, my phone rings. Nash.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Yeah, we're on our way back. JJ is really mad at me and I'm not really sure why." Nash decides.
"Oh, okay! See y'all in a few!" I reply cheerily and hang up.
The boys find hiding places while Hayes, Jack, and Sam quickly put up the last decorations.
I turn off all the lights and duck under the coffee table beside Aaron.
Jack J bursts through the door, yelling at Nash. "Bro! Are you that stupid? You know what, never mind. Forget it. Its not that important anyways."
He turns on the lights, and we all jump out yelling, "SURPRISE!" Well, except Taylor. He decided to add "MOTHERFUCKER!" To the end.
JJ stumbles backwards, where Nash is smirking with his arms crossed.
Shawn puts the crown on his head.
Jack points at JJ, camera in hand. "You totally thought we forgot!"
Johnson stares around, obviously shocked.
I run over and hug him. "Hayes and I did scream at you this morning."
"I knew it! I thought I was crazy!" He laughs.
We spend the rest of the night celebrating and eating cake.
I know, crappy ending, BUT I DID TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! THAT IS UNHEARD OF FOR ME, OKAY? Catch you later, lovelies!

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