Chapter 29

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I watch Hayes mess around with the boys, a small smile on my lips, while Mahogany messes with her equipment.
He grins at me, genuinely happy, and as much as I want to just relax and enjoy life, a single thought haunts my mind.
If they're mad at me just for being Jack's sister, how would they react if they found out that Hayes is my boyfriend?
Not well is the answer to that question. The very few 'Chrayes' shippers would be happy, but what about the rest?
"Chrissa!" Nash calls, tearing me from my thoughts. "Come here!"
I shake my head quickly. One thing I do not want to do today is get involved in the show.
"Please?" He asks, giving me his best puppy dog eyes.
Sighing, I reluctantly stand up and walk over to him. "What is it, Nash?"
"I want to know what really happened," he whispers in my ear.
"I-I told you what really happened," I stutter nervously. How could he be on to me? I didn't even flat out lie! I just.. left out part of the truth.
He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. "Chris, I'm getting it out of you one way or another. Maybe it will have to wait until later, but you're telling me. Now, have you and Hayes talked about telling them yet?"
I shake my head. "No... I don't know what we are going to do about that."
He ruffles my hair. "Whatever, kiddo. We'll figure it out."
I smile at him and walk back to Mahogany while fixing my hair.
She plays Nae Nae, to which all the guys freak out and dance to.
"Are you alright? You look a little out of it..." she mumbles so only I can here.
I manage a weak smile. "It's just the pain meds. They're meant to make me tired, but I'll make it through the event."
And somehow, I do, but by the end, I'm fighting to stay awake, and Sammy carries me to the car.
Within seconds of driving, I fall asleep in his lap with my head on his shoulder and his arms around my middle.
I stay that way until I feel the swaying motion of being carried, but even then, I keep my eyes shut.
"Chris, can you wake up for a minute?" Someone whispers.
Groaning, I open my eyes to see Jack in my face. "Why?"
He smiles apologetically. "Sorry. I know you're tired. The paper they gave me said you would be. But it also says I need to give you more medicine before bed and make you eat something."
"I'm not hungry..." I tell him softly as he pours the medicine.
"They told me you wouldn't be. But please just eat something?" He asks.
I sigh and nod, gulping down the foul tasting liquid down quickly.
He gives me a small bowl with cereal to eat, which I force down.
"One more thing," he whispers as my eyes start to shut again. "I want to keep an eye on you. so you're coming into me, Jack, and Sam's room. Matt and Jacob's roommate, Carter, are coming in here, and Mahogany is staying with Jacob. Its already planned out and your stuff is moved."
I sigh and hold my arms up for him to carry me, to which he obediently picks me up and brings me to his room.
The last thing I feel before falling asleep again is Jack climbing into bed beside me and laying down.
"Chrissa?" Someone whispers.
I open my eyes and yawn. "What?"
Hayes jumps into my line of vision, doing jazz hands.
"Hi Hayes," I smile, sitting up.
A small jolt of pain shoots through my broken arm, and I let out a small wince.
"I brought you breakfast!" He says excitedly and sets a muffin and some chocolate milk on my bed.
I smile. He's the sweetest. "Aw, thanks Hayes!"
I set them on the little table beside my bed and stand up. "Where are the others?"
"I have no idea, Jack let me in just before he left, and I haven't seen them since," he tells me.
"Hmm," I frown. "That's weird."
"How does your arm feel?" He asks, sitting down next to me.
I let out a small groan. "Hurts. That's why I need Jack. He's supposed to have my medicine."
Hayes smiles. "Do you want to come to my room for awhile? Cam and Nash are in there!"
He always knows just what to say and do. "Yeah, just let me get ready. I'll meet you in there."
I stand up, and he plants a quick kiss on my forehead before walking out.
Smiling, I walk into the bathroom and dig through my suitcase.
Even though we have an event today, I decide against dressing nice.
I pull on some simple white leggings and black Ugg boots.
The shirt I decide on, however, is too tight to get over my stupid splint.
"FUDGE!" I yell, throwing the shirt on the ground in frustration.
My eyes land on one of Jack's shirts, neatly folded in the corner.
Shrugging, I put it on. He won't miss it for just one day.
I quickly brush my teeth and attempt to brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. Let me tell you something, if there's anything harder than doing your hair with one hand, it's doing it with the wrong hand.
"Damn it," I curse out loud.
"Chris? Is that you?" Sam's voice comes from outside.
"Oh, thank God," I sigh, opening the door. "I need help."
Sammy smiles and walks into the bathroom. "Hair?"
I nod, so he grabs my hairbrush and somehow gets it into a really good ponytail.
"Voila! It's perfect!" He says, grinning.
How he learned to do that so well, I'll never know, but I do know who to ask for hair help from now on.
"Thanks, Sammy!" I thank him as I hug him with my one good arm.
"Anytime, Sissy. Where're you going?" He asks.
"Hayes wants me to go hang out with him and Nash and Cam in their room," I explain, walking towards the door.
He grabs my shoulder to stop me. "Did you eat? I'm supposed to make sure that you ate."
"Um, yeah, I did," I lie quickly, walking down the hallway.
How many lies am I going to tell?
How many think Chrissa should the truth?
How many think she should keep lying?
I'm just curious bro.

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