Chapter 12

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A/ N over 600 reads? Is this real life? I know some have like over a hundred thousand, but 600 is a lot to me! It's crazy to think that many people have seen my writing! Anyway, thanks guys! I don't want to ask too much... but feedback would be nice. Just comment hi or something!

It's the next day already, and we have no event. Since we're going back tomorrow, today is dedicated to fun!

I wake up to the alarm clock and smile.

I actually am staying in Mahogany's room now, because its a lot nicer than sharing with a boy.

It's her day to get in the shower first, my day to get breakfast.

I stand up and quickly brush out my hair, putting it in a messy bun.

I don't bother with changing or makeup yet, since I'm just getting food and coming back.

My pajamas consist of basketball shorts and one if Jack's old t-shirts, so I look fairly normal. Besides the fact that I'm not wearing shoes, anyway.

I walk to the elevator, and glance at the person in with me.

He's about in his thirties and... oh. It's the guy who came to complain about noise.

I widen my eyes and back up a little, and he grins creepily.

"Where's your brother, girl? What about your little friends?" He asks.

I glance nervously from him to the floors.

The elevator stops on 4, and I expect him to get out, but instead, somebody steps in.

"Thank God..." I sigh in relief as a familiar boy with a light brown quiff greets me.

Matt grins. "Morning Chrissy!"

I smile back and hug him, smirking at the man, who scowls at me in return.

Matt looks at him and squints. "Was he bothering you, Chris?"

I nod, and he clenches his fist, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't try anything. This girl has security guards, and 12 fairly muscular teenage boys around to protect her at all times. I'm watching you." Matt states.

I smile, and finally the elevator stops.

Matt practically pushes me out first, and walks beside me to the breakfast area.

"Thanks, Matty! That guy scares me." I say.

"Anytime, Chrissy! Are you staying down here?"

I shake my head. "Bringing the food back up for Mahogany.

He nods in response as I get chocolate milk, muffins, and bananas.

I kiss him quickly on the cheek and skip back up to my room. Oh, don't worry, Matt checked the elevator before I got on...

I toss the food to Mahogany, and take my turn in the bathroom.

I come out wearing light green skinny jeans and a plain white top, my hair curled and in a high ponytail.

Today will be fun... Mahogany told me we're going to the zoo!

A/N: I'm really sorry for the short chapters! I'm just trying to update as much as possible, you know? The next one will be longer, I promise! Any guesses about what's gonna happen with Hayes? Hmmm? Btw, I know I've given her a shoutout before, BUT FREAKING FOLLOW CRAYCRAYMEH SHE'S BAE AND HER STORIES ARE FRANTASTIC! Ok, I'm done. BYYYYEEE!

Cameron: BYYYYEEE!

~Tay (feat. Cameron Dallas)

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