Chapter 30

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So the song is the audio of Shawn singing Stitches live, if you couldn't tell. I can't decide if I like the iTunes version or live version, though! Ugh, decisions.
I knock quietly on the door leading to Hayes's room, and fiddle with my sling while I wait.
The door swings open. I was expecting Hayes, but it's Nash that greets me.
"Hey Chris, Hayes said you were coming. He and Cam went to go grab some Starbucks, but you can hang in here with me until they get back," he explains.
I smile. "Sure, it's better than sitting in my room alone."
He steps aside so I can enter, which I do, and immediately sit down on the nearest bed.
Nash walks over and sits by me. "So, Chrissa. Please tell me how you really broke it."
I look away from him and at the floor. "I can't, Nash."
"Yes, you can. Please. Everyone is worried about you," he tells me slowly.
"Well, tell them to stop!" I snap, harsher than I meant to.
He looks taken aback, so I lower my voice. "I'm sorry... I just- I can't."
His arm wraps around my shoulder. "Why can't you?"
I avoid his gaze, but I feel the tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. "I can't tell you that, either."
Nash grabs my chin and turns it so I'm looking at him. "Chrissa, please. I won't even tell anyone."
"God, damn it Nash! I can't! You don't get it! They'll hurt me again if I do!"
His eyes widen. "They? Who hurt you?"
I break down and put my head in my hands. I said too much.
"Chrissa, please. Just tell me," he whispers, wrapping his arms around me.
My eyes meet him, a tear rolling down my face. "It was Jack's fans..."
He knits his eyebrows. "Jack's? Why?"
"I went out by myself. Two of them ran up to me by the street and yelled at me for making Jack upset with them. I tried to calm them down, but she pushed me into the street, and that's how my arm got run over," I explain quietly.
Nash's eyes flash with anger. "They can't just do that! I have to do something about this... I have to-"
"No," I cud him off. "No, Nash. You can't. If you get mad, they'll just blame me."
He relaxes a little. "You're right... but I'm staying with you out of the hotel from now on. The bad fans aren't going near you."
I smile a little, so he wipes the few tears from under my eyes.
"I meant it about not telling anyone. If you spill, I won't forgive you," I warn him.
His hands fly up like he's surrendering. "My lips are sealed."
At that moment, the door bursts open, and Cam and Hayes walk in holding drinks from Starbucks.
"Here, Chris," Hayes grins, handing me a vanilla frappuccino.
"Thank you," I smile back as Cameron launches himself onto the bed next to me, nearly spilling his cotton candy frap all over me.
Luckily for both of us, it stayed in the cup.
"What are we doing today?" Hayes asks.
I shrug in response, and the boys look at each other.
"Nobody even knows, bro," Cam says loudly.
"We have an event later, but I don't know about until then," Nash tells him.
Cam hangs upside down on his bed. "We could swim."
"But Chrissa can't swim," Hayes argues.
I laugh and look at him. "Whatever Hayes. You know you want to. Go have fun, I'll find someone to hang out with."
Nash and Cam get up to find their swimming trunks, but Hayes hesitates. "You sure?"
In response, I shove him to his suitcase. "Positive. Do you know what room Shawn is in?"
Nash looks up. "217, I think."
"Thanks Nashy!" I say, grabbing my frap and skipping out of the room.
I stop at room 217. "MENDES!"
A moment later, the door opens to reveal Shawn.
"Hey, Chrissa. What's up?" He asks.
I shrug. "I don't know where my brother is and Hayes is going swimming with Cam and Nash. Can I hang in here with you?"
He grins. "Of course! I've been in here alone all morning."
"Yay!" I cheer, walking in. "How come you've been alone?"
"I don't know. I woke up and Taylor was just kind of not here," He replies, picking up his guitar.
I frown. "Weird, that's what happened to me. What do you want to do?"
He smirks. "From what I've heard, you have some great vocals. I'd love to hear it."
Groaning, I lay back. "Shawn, I don't wanna."
His fingers pluck the strings, creating a beautiful melody that sadly, I recognize. "Why don't you sing for anyone?"
"It'll seem like I'm trying to copy my brother," I explain, just going with the truth.
Shawn stops playing and stares at me. "Are you serious? That's why you won't sing for anyone? Chris! If you have a gift, share it. Who cares if Jack sings? It's not all about Jack. You have fans too, that love you. If people think you're copying Jack, they're stupid. Let me just ask you one question... Do you like to sing?"
Confused, I nod my head. Why would he get so upset over this? "Well, yeah.."
"Then sing! They'll love you. At least to me," He begs.
Sighing, I stare him in the eye. "Play that song again."
A grin covers his whole face as he begins strumming again.
He's right, I should do this. I take a deep breath. "I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing..."
I sing through the whole song of Breakeven by The Script.
After I'm done, Shawn blinks. "I knew you were good. Chrissa, you have a gift, share it! I want you to sing with me at magcon."
"But Shawn-" I start.
"Nope!" He interrupts. "You're not copying Jack. You're an amazing singer and you're singing with me. Period."
I grin. "I guess I can't argue with that."
He nods. "I know, I can be very persuasive. Now, I need help picking out songs. Get over here and help me."
Laughing, I crawl over to him and look over his shoulder as he scrolls through songs.
"Stop! That's the one we're singing!" I declare, pointing.
He grins. "Perfect."
She revealed two of her biggest secrets! Something big is happening! Will Chrissa chicken out? Will she sing? What are they singing? How will Jack react to her keeping that from him? Will Sammy find out that she lied about eating? Is Nash going to keep his promise about not telling? How will the o2l guys react to her arm? Is that girl going to be at magcon again?
(It may not be up tomorrow because spring break is over. Sometime this week, though!)
Haha, that was like one of those annoying commercials about tv shows. I love y'all!

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