Chapter 43

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"Ow!" I complain as Sam puts alcohol on the cut I somehow acquired last night.

Apparently it bled off and on all might, so there's a fantastic blood stain on my sheets. Sammy was disgusted at first because he thought it was my time of the month until he saw the wicked cut on my arm.

"Do you want it to heal or not?" He asks, holding the cloth on my arm.

"If it hurts this bad then not!" I argue, trying to push his hand off.

He rolls his eyes and takes the cloth off, then wraps it in a bandage. "Now let's take a look at this bruise. I can't believe she actually hit you."

"It was a cheap shot!" I defend myself. "Jack J called me and she hit me when I turned around!"

Sam just laughs and presses an ice pack to the bruise. "Come on kid, let's head downstairs and get breakfast."

"Ok kid, lets go," I mock him, putting my ice pack on the counter.

"Let me guess, you want a ride?" He asked.

Nodding, I jump on his back, and he runs to the elevator, carrying me piggyback style.

"Hey guys, ready to hit the road again today?" Jack asks as we sit down. He eyes my bruise. "Damn, what happened to you?"

"You didn't tell him?" I look at JJ, raising my eyebrow.

Johnson shrugs and goes back to eating his oatmeal.

"One of your weird fans tried to jump me last night," I explain, taking the apple Sammy got me.

"Oh shit, how bad did you hurt her?" Jack asks.

JJ laughs. "The girl had to crawl away."

"I'm surprised she even hit you," Jack remarks, examining the bruise.

"That's what I said!" Sammy chips in.

"Again, as I told mister Samuel, it was a cheap shot. She punched me when I turned around to see who was calling my name."

Nate sits down beside Jack. "Hey guys, what did I mi- damn Chrissa what did you do to your face?"

"Oh my god not again," I sigh, rolling my eyes.


"So how come we're staying two days in Miami?" I ask, gazing out the window. We have been driving for two hours now.

"Seemed fun," Jack answers casually.

"Okay weirdos. I'm going to take a nap. If any of you are loud enough to wake me up a will get you," I warn as I walk to the bunk room.

I climb up to my bunk and wrap a blanket around myself, close the curtains, and shut my eyes.

When I wake up, there is no light at all, so I check my phone. 3:16 am. Wow, I slept for a long time.

Quietly as possible, I climb down from my bunk and walk into the main room of the bus.

To my surprise, Sammy and Jack are in there on their phones.

"Why are you two still awake?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"Why are you awake?" Jack counters.

"Because I fell asleep at like 5 and nobody woke me up," I smile.

Sammy, who looks exhausted, holds out his arms, so I go and sit next to him.

He wraps his arms around me like I'm a teddy bear or something, and closes his eyes.

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