Chapter 9

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Ok, for those of you who read the original chapter 9, that was absolutely terrible... I am deeply sorry for this. It will be much better this time, I have no idea wtf I was thinking.

I sit on the couch in my room and sigh. Hayes tagged me in a vine. Jack and Jack are at magcon, while Sammy and I stayed home.

The vine is part of Q/A, and the crowd started chanting my name. Weird, right? Apparently, one of the questions was if I was there or not.

I smile a little and revine it, then set down my phone.

I grab my guitar and look over it. Being the OCD that I am, there isn't a single scratch or smudge.

It's black around the edges, and fades into a dark blue in the center.

Without thinking, my fingers hit some chords, until I realize the melody.

I continue to strum, and sing along. The song? 'Drop in the Ocean".

Suddenly, Sam walks in. I pay no attention, since he's heard me sing before.

"You should really tell people that you can sing, Chris. You're good." I stop and smirk at him. "What about you, Wilk? We both know you can sing too."

He scowls. Because he knows I'm right. "Fine, but I'll get you to sing for people someday."

He runs over and face plants on my bed, causing me to squeal and jump up.

He looks up. "I have an idea!"

Ok, if there is one thing to know about Sam, it's to always be careful about his ideas. Always.

"What is it?" I ask cautiously. "We should go to the magcon show tomorrow and surprise them! We'll be there on time if we catch a flight tonight!"

My face slowly breaks into a grin. "Sammy! You had your first good idea! You look up the flight schedule and get tickets, I'll pack everything but your stuff."

He nods and skips.. Yes, SKIPS, down the stairs. I quickly pack up my bag. If we're going, there's no way the boys will let us fly home after the show tomorrow. We'll most likely end up staying until Friday, when they leave. Oh, it's Tuesday, by the way.

I finish up with the packing, and Sam comes upstairs and hands me my ticket that he just finished printing off.

I put it in a pocket in my purse, where I know it won't get lost.

I lay back on my bed, and just then, my phone rings for FaceTime.

I pick it up, and to my surprise, its Jack.

"Hey Chris! I'm going to plug my phone into the monitor so that everyone can see you!" I smile and nod a little.

Jack sets up his phone so I can see the crowd, and they all start cheering.

"Ok Chrissa, they can see you!" I smile and wave. "Hey guys! Jack, should I get Sam?" The crowd screams. I'll take that as a yes. "SAMMY! COME HERE!"

He walks in. "Chris, I'm busy p-" I cut him off by shaking my head quickly, and he realizes what I'm doing.

He jumps beside me. "HELLO MICHIGAN!!"

The crowd cheers again, and JJ steps into view. "What were you going to say, Sammy?"

"Um, I was busy... pickling peppers. But it can wait." I mentally face palm. Of all the words that start with a p, he had to choose pickling peppers!

JJ makes a face. and I laugh.

Nash grabs a mic. "Ok guys, that's all we have time for! But it's ok, we'll be back tomorrow! Yes, we wanted to end it with Chrissa, and it was Hayes's idea. Chrissy, say bye!"

"Bye everyone! Bye boys, love y'all!"

All the boys shout out various forms of bye and my name. Except Mahogany, she smiles and blows a kiss to the camera.

I shut it off and sigh, looking at Sam. "Well, that was close."

He nods. "I have to finish pickling peppers. Our flight is in an hour."

I nod as he runs off to his room.

Half an hour later, we're in the car and on our way to the airport.

Sam and I manage to sing along to every single song on the radio. ALL OF THEM!!

We pull up to the airport, and get through security pretty quickly.

Finally, I settle down on the plane and fall asleep.

A/N over a hundred reads? WHOA BRO. Will somebody please comment? I want to talk to you people and see if you like my stories... or nah. Anyway, peace, love, and unicorns.


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