Chapter 47

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I am writing this at school because I have nothing better to do.


"Good show, Chris!" Kenny claps me on the shoulder softly.

"Thanks! You did awesome!" I grin at him.

It's been a few months since Hayes and I got back together, and things are running smoothly.

"Slay bells! Slay bells! Slay bells!" Trevor chants as he skips into the room.

When Jack and Jack's tour ended, digitour had immediately offered to put us on the Slay Bells tour. Obviously, I agreed. I mean, more traveling and I get to see my friends?! How could I possibly say no? For some reason the boys did. Sammy and Skate decided to stick with me, along with Kenny and Andrea. We also have Ricky, Trevor, Brent Rivera, Twaimz, and a few more.

"So what should we do tonight?" Andrea leans back in her chair and eyes us all, specifically Kenny. Not to be weird or anything, but I ship those two so hard.

"I think Sammy has paperwork to do," I laugh, pointing at him.

Sam rolls his eyes, a small smile playing at his lips. "Little bit, but I'll finish on time to do something fun."

"Aren't Jack and Jack meeting us here tonight?" Kenny remembers, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" I gasp. I haven't seen either of them in about a month. Of course, Jack insisted on facetiming every other night, but it wasn't the same.

"That's right. We agreed on a nice dinner, and then we'll do something fun tomorrow, right?" Nate taps his chin as he recalls our plans.

"Yup, sounds about right," Andrea stares at her phone. "I wrote down the details. They'll meet us at the hotel in an hour, then we have reservations at 7."

"An hour? We need to go!" I gasp.

She nods in agreement. "Let's go, Chris. See you boys later."


"This look alright?" I walk out of the bathroom and show Andrea my outfit.

She looks beautiful: A tight silver dress that goes to just above her knees and a neckline that shows off her collar bones but not much cleavage. To go with it, white sandals with little white jewels on it, a necklace with a single white diamond, matching earrings, and her long dark hair was straightened. As for her makeup, it was done to perfection.

"Do a spin!" She grins.

I twirl quickly and smile at her.

"You look beautiful! Come here, I want to do your makeup!" She beckons me over.

"Okay," I agree and approach her carefully.

She sets me in a chair, and I close my eyes while she works her magic.

When she finishes, I walk in front of a mirror and judge my outfit.

My dress is short, but still formal enough. It's strapless, and the top looks like it's made of white flowers. Below it is a thick belt made of shiny blue material that hugs my waist. The skirt is gradient white to blue and poofs out a little. My hair is curled loosely, my shoes are just plain white flats, and my makeup is foundation, a light blush, Chapstick instead of lipstick, winged eyeliner, and mascara. Simple, but effective.

"Ready to go?" Andrea slings her purse over her shoulder and rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Yup!" I confirm happily, satisfied with my outfit.

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