Chapter 34

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"Chrissa! Wake up, we have to go get your cast on!" Jack says, shaking me awake. "We have to get it done before our flight at 6, and I don't know how long this will take, so we need to go now."

Groaning, I stand up and zombie walk into the bathroom. I grab a pair of bright pink sweatpants and a black Jack and Jack t-shirt.

"SAMMY!" I call.

"What?" He yells back.


A moment later, he walks into the bathroom and brushes my hair, then puts it in a plain braid down my back.

"How did you learn to do hair so well?" I ask, quickly putting on some mascara.

"My older sister. Good luck at the doctor's Chrissy." He kisses the top of my head and walks back out.

I walk back out and tap Jack on the shoulder. "Are we going, or nah?"

He laughs. "Yeah, come on."

We walk down to the lobby, where a security guard is already trying to hold girls back.

As soon as they catch sight of Jack, an earsplitting chorus of screams erupts, but he just smiles and doesn't stop for autographs or pictures, holding my arm so that he doesn't lose track of me.

He leads me to the rental car, and climbs into the drivers seat. I get into the passenger seat and turn on the radio.

"Aw, Chris, not this station.." he whines.

"Yes, this station. You're listening to popular music and you're gonna like it," I reply.

"When did you get so sassy?" He asks, trying to hold back his laughter.

I shrug. "I don't know, probably from spending too much time with JJ."

We pull into the hospital parking lot, and walk inside, his hand placed protectively on my shoulder.

"We have an appointment for Chrissa Gilinsky," Jack tells the lady at the front desk.

She gives us a huge, overdone smile and points down the hallway. "Yes, he's ready for you. Room 143."

I pull him down the hall and knock softly on the door.

"Miss Gilinsky? Please come in!" A man's voice invites.

Jack opens the door for me, and I smile politely at the doctor and shake his hand.

"Okay, dear. We'll try to make this quick. My name is Dr. Anderson. Now Miss Gilinsky, would you please remove your sling and place the injured arm here?" He introduces himself and points to a little armrest thing.

"Please, call me Chrissa. Miss Gilinsky is my brother," I joke as I remove my sling and put my arm where he instructed.

Jack gives me an offended look and puts his hand over his heart. "Ouch, Chris. That really hurt."

Dr. Anderson laughs and begins unwrapping the split from my arm. "After reviewing the x-rays, we have come to the conclusion that you will not require surgery or the sling since it was mostly your lower arm. We only need to put a cast on it today, then get it removed in about 6 weeks. Okay?"

I smile. "Okay, thank you!"

He first wraps a thick layer of white gauze around my arm, then takes out several colors of tape. "What color would you like? We have red, orange, yellow, green, lime green, blue, light blue, hot pink, and purple."

I smile. "That's easy. Hot pink, please!"

Jack, who was previously just awkwardly standing behind me, begins to twirl the end of my braid as Dr. Anderson applies the tape.

"Almost done! Now all I need to do is put on the special liquid and dry it so that it hardens," he explains, taking out a small bowl of clear liquid, a brush, and a small hairdryer-looking thing.

He wastes no time in painting on the liquid and getting it dry. "Okay, you're good to go! I have already contacted your doctor so that he can remove it when the time comes. Thank you for being so patient and have a nice day!"

Jack grins at me while we walk back to the car. "Well, I guess that's finally over with."

I lay my head back against the headrest of the car and close my eyes until the car stops.

Jack walks inside before me, and immediately leaves to go do... well, I don't know, Jack things, I guess.

I walk up to our floor, and just stand at the end of the hallway, contemplating whose room to go to.

I could go to Hayes, but I feel like I've been taking away too much of his time that he could be spending with his friends. Shawn is an option. He's always fun, since he's practically my best friend. There's also the o2l guys, but their flight leaves soon, and they might be busy packing. I'm not even sure where all the boys are anyway.

Before I can make my decision, Hayes runs out of his hotel room and straight towards me. He wastes no time in scribbling his name on my cast with a sharpie and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hi Hayes," I greet him, my voice muffled by his shoulder.

"Okay, are you ready for this?" He asks, pulling away and grinning at me.

"I hope so," I reply, a little bit nervous.

"Well, my mom really wants to meet you. I'm just going to straight out say it instead of hinting for five minutes. Do you want to come back to North Carolina with me and Nash for the month, until next magcon?" He asks.

My mouth drops open, and for a minute I don't have anything to say.

He stares into my eyes hopefully. "We have a spare bedroom that you can use, and my little sister will love you, and-"

I cut him off. "That sounds like so much fun! But, I have to ask Jack..."

"Already did! He says it's fine!" He exclaims, kissing me quickly on the nose. "I'll help you back your bag now, because the flight leaves in two hours."

He grabs my hand and pulls me to my hotel room, where we put all my stuff in a bag.

I'm not sure how this will turn out. Hopefully good.

Did I post yesterday? Oh well, idk. Whatever. So just to clear it up, this point in the story is May of 2014. I was even confusing myself with the times, so I can't even imagine you guys. Bye! Love you!

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