Chapter 44

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"I can't believe you did this," I repeat for probably the 5th time.

Jack pats my head. "Oh young Chrislet, we knew how much you missed Shawn, so we scheduled the Miami show for the same time Shawn would be here."

"Let's go get some food," Mahogany smiles.

Most of the others decided not to come, so it's just me, Shawn, Mahogany, the Jacks, Matt, and Aaron. All from the original group, which makes me happy. Of course, we're missing Cam, Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Carter, and Jacob, and Sammy wanted to stay with Skate, but it will still be fun.

"Where should we go?" Mahogany asks, looking up from the braid she was putting my hair in.

"I have no idea," Matt looks around. "We could just walk around and see if we find anything."

Aaron nods in agreement. "I think that's a good idea."

The rest of us agree as well, so we start walking down the street.

"Chrissa come here!" Shawn calls.

I stop and look at him. "Yes?"

"Get on my back! We can be like old times!" He exclaims, squatting down.

Laughing, I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck. "Onward, noble steed!"

"Didn't you say that to Sam earlier?" Johnson asks.

"Yes, yes I did," I reply.

"That place looks good, and it's not that busy," Matt points out a small Italian restaurant across the street.

"That looks cute, lets go there!" Mahogany looks both ways (safety first kids) then walks across the street.

Shawn follows her with me clinging onto his back like a baby koala bear holding onto its mommy.

We enter the restaurant, and the lady stares at us, an eyebrow raised.

I don't blame her. If I saw a group of teenagers walk into an Italian restaurant at two in the morning, I would also stare. Especially considering I'm on Shawn's back.

Regardless off the oddity, she politely shows us to a table, and we all take a seat, me between Shawn and Mahogany, of course.

"What would you like to drink?" The tired looking waitress asks.

"Raspberry iced tea," I reply when my turn comes.

"Okay, coming right up," she smiles at us, then walks away.

"So, Chrissa," Mahogany starts, training her eyes on me. "Give me all the details on your music!"

"As I've told everyone else, nothing. I don't think it's a good idea for me too-"

Johnson cuts me off. "Don't even start that, Chris, we all know you want to."

I glare at him, but Shawn perks up. "She does?"

"When we go to the studio to record, they let Chrissa mess around in her own empty studio. She almost always sings and plays the instruments in there, and almost every time it's a song she wrote herself," Johnson explains.

"Those aren't even good!" I argue.

"Oh, but they are," he grins evilly, holding up a CD.

"What is tha...." I trail off as I read the label: "Chrissa".

"We finished early one day just in time to hear you sing two of your songs, and your brother hit the record button. I thought Shawny Poo would want it," JJ tosses it to Shawn.

"I'm listening to this as soon as I get back to the hotel," Shawn decides, smiling.

The waitress gets back with our drinks, and we all order our food.

The rest of our meal is spent catching up on what's going on with everyone's lives and careers.

"What about you?" I ask Mahogany, nudging her gently with my elbow.

"For now I'm just going on tours and hanging out at home with my friends," she smiles and leans down close to my ear. "But I may be working on something for 2015."

"Oooooh, a secret something," I whisper back, smiling. "I've been watching your covers on YouTube. They're all really good. Do they have something to do with this special secret?"

She laughs. "Possibly. You'll just have to wait and see."

"Chrissa, Mahogany, we're leaving," Matt interrupts.

We get up and follow him towards the door.

Shawn picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Thank you!" I call to the cashier as we leave. Then, I lower my voice. "Shawn, you smell good."

"Thanks, I really try not to smell bad," he replies.

"Can I walk?" I ask.


I sigh. "Then can I ride on your back?"

Shawn sets me on the ground, then crouches so I can hop onto his back.

We ride that way back to the hotel, and then he decides to switch rooms with Sammy so that I can spend more time with him.

Ok babes, the chapter was shorter than my usual limit, it was a filler, and the ending sucked ass. I'm sorry to give you this kind of quality, but I'm getting requests to update, I literally just got home yesterday, and I'm exhausted. The next chapter will be better, I promise.

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