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Mitsuki's POV:

I just won 3 tickets to an adult only cruise for 3 months! I'm 100% calling Inko. God knows that woman hasn't had a break for the last year and a half since our boys got into UA.

*ring ring ring*

"Hello Mitsuki?"

I heard from the other end of the phone.


"Is everything alright?!"

"I just won 3 tickets to an adult only cruise for 3 months! Guess who's coming with me!"


"You obviously!"

"But what about the boys?"

"Shit! I didn't think about that... Could they stay in the dorms?"

"I doubt it ... I don't think anyone's gonna be there all summer..."

"And I don't think either of us have family near by... shit... um... the cruise leaves next week... we have to figure something out pretty quickly."

"I can call Mr Aizawa and ask if he knows anywhere the boys could stay..."

"Pleeeease! I don't think he likes me... he acts all weird since the home visit."

"What happened to make you think that he doesn't like you?"

"Me and Katsuki got into a little scuffle that made us look bad I guess..."

"I see... I'll call him. Call you back?"

"Sounds good."

She was gone about ten minutes before she called back.

*ring ring ring*

"Inko! What did he say?!"

"He said he doesn't think he knows anyone who can take the boys for that long on such short notice...but he would call me back if that changed."

"Well that fucking sucks..."

"If we can't find anyone to take the boys... I'll just stay home and Katsuki can stay with me."

"I can't go without you!"

"I'm not sure what else we can do..."

"Why can't they just do that stupid summer camp again?! 1 kid gets kidnapped and suddenly everything's canceled!"

"Mitsuki... Katsuki's your son... aren't you at least a little worried about another summer camp? He was the one to get kidnapped..."

"Oh he's fine. The little shits a copy and paste version of me. He can handle it."


"Anyway... I'll talk to you in the morning. Katsuki's screaming about something so I have to go probably beat his ass."

"Oh... goodnight I guess...? Take it easy on him."

"Nah that little shit just broke the table leg, he's getting hiss ass beat."

Aizawa's POV:

I was stuck hanging out with the other teachers... Mic insisted that I had to come along. So hear I am sitting at the bar, as my husband gets wasted.

"Who was that?"

I heard the one and only all might ask from behind me.

"Mrs Midoriya asking if I knew anywhere the 2 problem children could stay for the summer... apparently her and Mrs Bakugou won some kind of cruise..."

"Oh Inko definitely deserves a break."

He responded.

"Inko?... since when were you guys on a first name basis?"

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh well... since I personally train young Midoriya... we stay in touch..."

I rolled my eyes in response... the alcohol helping me relax a bit.

"How long is this cruise for?"

He asked for whatever reason.

"3 months..."

"I can see why it's difficult for them to find someone to take the boys..."

He seemed to be considering something.

"Alright what's going on in that head of yours? Because whatever it is... it's scaring me."

"Oh well... I do have a spare room... and since retirement I don't really have anything I need to go this summer... and Inko deserves a break..."

"Are you seriously considering babysitting 2 of the most self destructive students we have had since UA was founded for 3 fucking months?!"

Okay... the alcohol was definitely kicking in.

"Well if the boys could share a room..."

"Listen All Might! Those boys have been getting along much better recently... but you can not seriously be considering putting them in the same room... for 3 months!... do you even know how to take care of kids?! MUCH LESS THOSE KIDS?!"

"I'm sure I could figure it out."

He said confidentiality.

I sighed...

"If you're actually going to do this... I'll text Mrs Midoriya... they have to leave next week I believe..."

He nodded in response.

Okay... fuck being the designated driver! I'm getting wasted with my husband... I'm done thinking for the night.

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