Selective Mutism

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TW: mentioned suicide attempt, dissociation, selective mutism!, mentioned blood, essentially we mention everything in the previous few chapters, my authors notes are a vent as usual!!!

Bakugou's POV:

Deku tried to kill himself... I already knew that, but the realization of everything was starting to sink in.

It had been a few hours since the Aizawa, and Yamada, had taken Deku to the hospital, and I had yet to speak. I just sat on the couch, staring at the wall blankly.

"I made lunch."

All Might said, peaking into the living room, where we were all sitting, a cartoon playing on the TV. Shinsou and Eri stood, heading towards the kitchen. I didn't. I continued staring straight ahead of me, head filled with fog.

Deku tried to kill himself.
Was this my fault?
I told him to kill himself in middle school.


All Might was crouched down to my level, hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you come eat."

I didn't respond. I couldn't respond.

All Might gave a sigh, that had way more concern in it, than should be possible.

"Come on."

He wrapped an arm around me, directing me to stand. He led me to the kitchen, getting me sat down next to the others. He slid a plate in front of me.

"He's gonna be okay."

All Might said, doing his best to reassure me.

I looked down at the plate. It was another one of those frozen meals, that All Might could just throw in the microwave. He had just put it on a plate. It mostly consisted of dino nuggets.

I kinda just stared at it, moving the food around my plate.

"You should try to eat."

Shinsou told me, trying his best to be helpful.

I managed to shake my head. I didn't want to eat. Not with Deku in the hospital. Not after everything that just happened.

Eri looked sad, but I couldn't find it in myself to care. Not right now at least.

"Come on. You can eat a few bites. What happened to being the best at everything? Are you really gonna let me beat you at how many chicken nuggets I can eat?"

Shinsou said, clearly targeting the fact that I'm competitive.

I ignored him.

All Might looked incredibly concerned.

"I called Aizawa a little while ago... he said that Midoriya was doing alright."

So he wasn't dead... I couldn't help but feel relief spread through my body.

Relieved tears started running down my face.

"Oh... my boy... it's okay..."

All Might said, wrapping me in a hug. I couldn't bring myself to fight it, gripping onto his shirt as I cried.

His hand was on the back of my head, fingers gently combing through my hair, as his other hand rubbed circles on my back.

"Is... is Kacchan gonna be okay?"

I heard Eri ask.

The nickname caused me to choke out another sob.

"Yeah sweetheart, he's gonna be just fine."

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