Getting Worse

772 36 16

TW: self harm in detail, blood, big emotions!!!

Midoriya's POV:

I woke up, with my thigh stinging like hell.

I peaked my head out of the door, checking to see if All Might was up yet. By the looks of things, he wasn't, so I walked to the bathroom quickly.

I needed to clean the cuts before they could get infected. With more shallow ones, I normally didn't worry about it, but these were deeper, and could pose more of a problem if they got infected.

Once in the bathroom, I grabbed the first aid kit, and sat on the toilet. I rolled up my shorts, and untied the shirt from my thigh.

When I tried to peal the shirt away from my thigh, it pulled against the wounds, causing tears to prick my eyes.

"Shit. Ow."

I whispered under my breath.

A couple scabs reopened, as I peeled away the t-shirt.
Blood pooled in a couple of the cuts, but luckily it didn't bleed to bad.

I grabbed some disinfectant from the first aid kit, and poured it over the cuts, using the t-shirt to keep it from getting on the floor.

I winced at the sting.

The clear disinfectant mixed with the blood of the reopened wounds, causing a light diluted red to trickle down my thigh, onto the t-shirt.

I wiped my thigh, and grabbed some gauze from the first aid kit. Hopefully All Might wouldn't notice it missing.

I bandaged my thigh, and rolled down my shorts. I put everything away, and looked in the mirror. Dark circles had appeared under my eyes the past few days, and they had only gotten deeper. I looked... broken...

I splashed my face with water, in the hopes that it would make me look less like a zombie.

I felt numb again... but the guilt was somehow still there. It was a painful ache in my chest that I had thought I'd gotten rid of.

Why did I still feel like this? Didn't I already punish myself? Was that not good enough? How many times was I going to have to do this, before whatever higher power, decided that I'd had enough?

I'm a horrible person aren't I?

I sighed.

I'd have to deal with this later. For now, I just had to get through the day.

I opened the bathroom door, to come face to face with All Might. His hand was raised like he was just about to nock.

"Oh, young Midoriya. I was just about to- Are you alright? You seem stressed."

I forced a smile onto my face.

"I'm fine. I just woke up not to long ago. I'm just a bit tired is all."

I waved away his concerns.

"Alright... just let me know if somethings bothering you, alright?"

"You got it."

I said in a cheerful tone.

All Might smiled in response.

We maneuvered around each other. Me exiting the bathroom, and All Might entering it.

Since All Might knew I was up, I couldn't just go back to my room, or he'd get more concerned, so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

I decided to get a granola bar. I didn't really want to eat anything, but I had to keep All Might from getting suspicious.

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