Phone Call

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Bakugou's POV:

It was the fifth day at Aizawa and Yamada's, when I got a call from my dad.


Aizawa opened the door to Eri's room, where I was just finishing the braid in the young girls hair.


I looked up to see him holding out my phone.

"Your dad's on the phone. He wants to talk to you."

I stood up, taking the phone in hand.

"Can I?..."

I gestured to take the phone call somewhere more private.

"Go for it."

I headed to the luckily empty kitchen, before putting the phone to my ear.


"Katsuki, your mother just told me you called a couple days ago! Is everything alright?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just wanted to talk I guess."

I could hear a sigh of relief from the other side, before my dad continued.

"That's good. Aizawa told me you were staying with him, when he answered the phone. Did something happen with All Might? He never said anything to me."

I hesitated. I wanted to tell him about everything that happened... but then what if he told the hag? She would be so pissed about me causing trouble... that's probably part of the reason All Might never told them what happened.

I decided to be honest. They'd find out eventually anyway, and I'd like them to hear my side of the story first.

"We weren't... getting along..."

I wasn't sure how to start this... and that seemed as good as anything.

"Why not?"

He asked in concern.

"I'm a little shit. You know that."

"You can be... difficult... but you really look up to him. What happened?"

"I... he..."

I took a shuddering breath.

"He was ignoring me, so I went for a walk without telling him... and I didn't think he'd notice I was gone, but he did, and then I ignored his calls because I was mad at him."

I gasped, breathing for the first time since I started talking.

"Then when I came back, he grounded me. I'm not mad about that. It's understandable... but I was still mad about him ignoring me, so I was being a little shit, and then he said he wished I was more like Deku, and that pissed me off, so I smashed his favorite mug, which pissed him off, and then he called Mr Aizawa, and Aizawa, took me with him."

I took another breath.

He was silent for a moment.

"Oh sweety... I wish I was there. He shouldn't have compared you to Izuku. I'm so sorry he did that... Yeah, you were definitely being difficult, and him grounding you was to be expected for that behavior... but he shouldn't have compared you boys. I think you two should really talk things out at some point. He should apologize for ignoring you, and saying those things, and you should apologize for being difficult."

It was so incredibly reasonable, it reminded me of Aizawa.

"Yeah... you're right..."

"Katsuki... I love you so much. And I know how you are... don't beat yourself up about this..."

"I wasn't gonna..."

I grumbled.

He laughed.

"Okay buddy... whatever you say. How has it been at Aizawa's?"

"Fine I guess... me and mind fuck got into a fight on the first day, and we both got grounded for that. I probably could have refrained from punching him if I really tried."

"Katsuki! You hit him?!"

It was more out of shock, than actually scolding.

"Hey, he used his quirk on me. Hitting him was fair game."

My dad signed

"Becides you punching someone... how have you been doing?"

"Good I think. Mind fuck can be a dick, but we get along sometimes. He ropes me into breaking the rules with him though. Eri's sweet, except for the fact that when she's talking to me she acts.... kinda like I did when I was six. It's weird to see. Yamada's nice, but he smiles a lot. Like a lot. I'm not even sure how someone can be that happy all the time. Aizawa's like he always is, except more open with stuff. I like that he doesn't bull shit me. He tells it, like it is."

"It sounds like you're adjusting pretty well. I'm glad. I think Aizawa's a good person for you to be around, and look up to. I like that the adults are nice. It sounds like the other kids make it a bit chaotic though."

"Yeah, but it's alright. I..."

I hesitated, not sure if my pride could take the words I wanted to say.

"I miss you."

I finally caved.

"I miss you too buddy..."

We finished the call, neither of us wanting to hang up, but neither of us having anything else to say.

When I turned around, I saw mind fuck standing in the doorway.

"Who was that?"

He asked, still having no fucking clue how to stay out of my business.

"By dad. Not that that's any of your business."

"Ah, I thought it was weird that you said you missed someone."

"Oh fuck off."

"Sure. Hizashi said to tell you that it's time to get ready for bed."

"Why are you the one telling me this?"

"Because I told him I was gonna go harass you, and it saved time."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're a fucking weirdo, you know that?"

He smirked.

"I try."

Author's note:

Tis pretty short, but oh well.

Don't worry guys, we're almost to Izuku.

My hyperfixation has changed again, so it'll probably be a bit longer between updates because yeah... ninja turtles....

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