Just Me And All Might

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Tw: mentioned self harm!!!!

Midoriya's POV:

The day after my self harm relapse was slow. I felt numb... nothing I did made me feel anything. I forgot what it was like.

"Young Midoriya."

All Might addressed happily.

"Would you like to have a movie night? I think it would be a fun bonding experience."

"Uh, sure All Might."

I wasn't really in the mood, but I couldn't really say that.

All Might got some snacks together, while I picked a movie.

I picked up an old hero movie. Maybe it would cheer me up.

We put it in, and pushed play.

The movie did not make me feel better. In fact, it made me feel worse.

The main character was bullied growing up. She was weak... but she overcame it all. She became super powerful. She lived up to the expectations of her mentor....

It reminded me of the exact reason I decided to cut.

I really wasn't helping anyone right now was I?

I was lonely...
Really, really, lonely...

Everyone I've texted today has been busy... and I have to wonder if they just don't want to talk to me... It seems like at least one of them would be available...

Everyone hates me, don't they?

I talk to much... I'm really annoying... Kacchan says I'm creepy when I take notes, so I probably make everyone uncomfortable...

God... I hate myself...

All Might said that we could watch another movie, so I decided to put in my comfort movie as a distraction.

I popped Ponyo into the DVD player.

Unfortunately All Might hadn't seen it, and kept interrupting the movie to ask questions that would be answered by the movie itself if he would just be patient, and watch the movie.

It was annoying, but it did work as a distraction.

Since he kept talking over the movie, and missing important scenes, he was very confused by the end of the movie...

So I spent the next hour, essentially retelling the movie, but with explaining literally everything, and telling him sertain meanings he wasn't getting.

Eventually we got past Ponyo, and sat in silence.

"Do... do you think I overreacted to young Bakugou breaking my cup?"

All Might effectively broke the silence.

I hesitated...

All Might was my mentor... I didn't want to be disrespectful... but he did ask...

"...A little bit yeah... he shouldn't have done that... but he's always been impulsive... so I can't be to mad..."

"Should I call and apologize?"

"He wouldn't pick up... I've tried calling and texting him... I think he put his phone on silent... but maybe next time you see him..."

All Might nodded.

It was clear he felt bad for the incident. I was glad he wanted to make things right.

I sighed.

"Nobody's available for training..."

All Might gave me an amused look.

"You don't have to train every day. You can take a break."

"I've been taking a break for the past few days..."

I groaned.

"Do push ups. Go on a run. You don't have to spar to train."

The truth is I've tried... but without someone to spar with, it's been extremely difficult to work up the motivation to do anything. I didn't say it though... I just sighed.

"Yeah you're right."

Author's note:

Sorry it's short. It's really hard for me to write Midoriya.

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