Are We In Trouble?

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Author's note: they're ooc in the beginning of this chapter because I thought it would be funny to have them be ooc when they first wake up.

Bakugou's POV:

The alarm on my phone went off, waking me up at 7.
I sleep in later in the summer, since I didn't need to be up at 5:30.

"Deku, wake up!"

I called over to him.

He wasn't moving.

I slid out of bed, grabbing my pillow.


No reaction.... so the only logical thing left to do was wack him with my pillow.

He made a weird groaning noise but didn't get up... so I hit him again.

"Kacchan let me sleeeep."

He whined.

"It's morning. I'm bored. Get up."

"Play on your phone or something..."

I hit him with my pillow again.

"Fine I'm up!"

He glared at me.

Deku wasn't a morning person but I was bored so he was gonna have to suck it up.

"What was it that you wanted to do?"

He asked, face still showing annoyance.

"I don't know... I didn't think that far ahead..."

He gave me a look that I couldn't read.

"Well then get me up when you think of something."

He immediately laid back down.

I sighed in frustration.


I sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone, when I started to smell something burning.

"Deku get up, I think something's on fire!"

I said, chucking my pillow at him full force.

He shot up, no longer looking upset at me for waking him up.

We rushed out of the room, seeing smoke coming from the kitchen. When we got inside we saw All Might trying to make rolled omelets... and failing miserably...

He glanced over his shoulder at us.

"Morning! I'm just trying to make you boys some breakfast."

We kinda just stood there... he really didn't know how to cook did he?

"You uh... you want help?"

I offered, more out of fear for myself, than actually wanting to help.

"Oh it's no big deal. I've got this covered."

"No seriously. I'll do it... I want to. You just sit down and I'll do it."

"If you really want to."

He shrugged, sitting down.

I pulled Deku with me to the stove.

"Aight you're helping me. I need you to clean the pan so that it's actually usable."

Deku looked like he wanted to argue, but he did it anyway.

After a few minutes of fixing the mess that All Might made, I was ready to start cooking. Cooking wasn't what I wanted to be doing this morning, but here we are.

I finished up the rolled omelets, having Deku help me carry the plates to the table. We all sat in the same places as yesterday, All Might praising my cooking ability.

It was weird... he was acting as though nothing happened yesterday...

I started fidgeting, unsure as to what to make of this situation.

"All Might...?"

I finally spoke.


"Are... are we in trouble?"

"Of course not. Why would you think that you are?"

"When we were throwing the Monopoly pieces... you seemed really upset."

He sighed...

"I was upset... but since it was your first day here... I decided to let it go."

He explained.

I nodded.

"We're sorry..."

Deku apologized for us both.

I just nodded in agreement.

All Might smiled.

"It's alright, let's just put it behind us."

The day continued on. It was honestly kinda boring, especially when All Might said he had to do some paperwork, and went into his room.

We were left alone in the living room after being told that we could use the TV.

"So uh... wanna play a board game?"

Deku asked.

"Hell no!"

Author's note:

It's shorter than I would have liked but ya know what... I'm hungry. I haven't eaten today. I stayed home from school because I'm tired and who's gonna stop me. I'm the one who decided to start school. My parents would be content with me staying home forever.

So I have homework to do because I stayed home.

Thoughts and feelings on the story so far?

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