You're Grounded

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All Might's POV:

Aizawa's went to the kitchen to make tea, and give young Bakugou and I some privacy.

He had Kirishima bring his chair. And had young Midoriya follow as well.


I called. Hoping with every fiber of my being, that this would go well.

He emerged with a scowl on his face.

"...Sit down, we need to talk..."

I instructed.

He plopped down, arms crossed.

"Bakugou... what you did was incredibly dangerous... I was worried sick... but before we discuss consequences... I want to know how you think we should fix this..."

"Fix what?..."

He mumbled.

"Whatever's going on between us."

"There's nothing going on!"

He immediately yelled.

"Bakugou, you're  clearly upset with me! I want to fix this!"

"Fuck off! There's nothing to fix!"

I sighed in frustration.

I know he wants attention... but I was kinda hoping he would tell me what kind of attention... some kind of activity, like I have with Midoriya... but no... he had to be difficult...

Fine, if he doesn't want to fix this, I'm not going to try.

"You know what? Fine... let's cut to the chase... you're grounded. You're on dish duty for the next two weeks. No TV... not that you really use it... And you're not leaving the house."

The boy surprisingly didn't argue... he just gave me a dirty look, and went back to his room.

I sighed, going into the kitchen with everyone else.

Young Midoriya was helping serve the tea, and young Kirishima was still in timeout... though happily smiling as he was handed a cup of tea.

Aizawa looked up from his cup of tea.

"Sounds like it didn't go so well."

I groaned, sliding my hand down my face in frustration.

"I don't know what to do with him."

"Well I told you this was a bad idea."

Aizawa said with an amused smerk.

"Yeah, well it's too late now."

Aizawa handed me a cup of my own. We sat in silence, sipping the steaming liquid in our cups. After a few minutes of silence, Aizawa spoke.

"Kirishima, you're allowed to talk and move around now."

Midoriya and him immediately started talking.

They got up, and started heading out.

"Are we allowed to talk to Bakugou now?"

Kirishima asked.

Aizawa and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"I suppose."

I said, continuing to sip my tea.

Kirishima's POV:

Midoriya and I headed to his and Bakugou's shared room.

Bakugou was laying face down on his bed, showing no signs of moving.

"Hey Kacchan, we were worried about you."

Midoriya spoke.

Bakugou proceeded to flip him off.

I sat at the edge of his bed and laid back. Laying across his very annoyed form.

"Get off me shitty hair..."

He grumbled into his pillow.

I sat up since he wanted me to, though I'll admit reluctantly.

" time listen to me when I tell you to answer the phone."


He whispered in response.

We mostly did our own things, but I could tell that Bakugou enjoyed the company.

Midoriya and I scrolled on our phones. Sometimes showing each other something we found funny. And eventually Bakugou sat up, and started reading.

It was nice to hang out.

Author's note:

This chapter is way to short, but I have other chapters I wanna work on... so I had to just finish this one.

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