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All Might's POV:

I was a little nervous about having the boys stay with me... but... I couldn't say no... I mean I was the one who offered... but still!

I had to prepare dinner for the boys, I'm not exactly the best cook in the world though... honestly I normally order takeout... but I wasn't going to do that on the first day. So... I'll make something simple!

I headed to the cupboard to find something easy. I settled on boxed mac&cheese. Not fancy, but it'll work.

It wasn't too difficult to figure out being that the instructions were on the box.

After not too long at all, I had the table set for 3. I had my own plate at the end seat closest to the kitchen. Young Midoriya and Bakugou's plates sat next to each other's  on the side closest to the living room. I had them sat right next to me... I hope it doesn't make them uncomfortable...

I headed over to the guest room, and nocked.

"Dinners ready!"

I called through the door.

I headed back to the kitchen and sat down.

Pretty soon young Midoriya came to the kitchen followed by a very tired Bakugou.

Had he fallen asleep?

Midoriya happily sat at the place next to me. Bakugou on the other hand just stood there glaring at his plate.

"Something wrong Bakugou?"

I asked.

He grumbled something unintelligible and grabbed his plate, moving it a space away from Midoriya.

It was slightly entertaining, but I did my best to hide it.

"Sorry All Might, he just woke up..."

Young Midoriya apologizes for him.

"There's nothing wrong with being tired!"

I responded in my usual cheerful voice.

Young Midoriya and I made conversation for about 5 minutes before I glanced over at Young Bakugou, noticing that he was just picking at his food.

"Something wrong with the food Bakugou?"

"... hardly counts as food..."

He mumbled in response.

"Could I get a little more explanation on that?"

I was extremely confused on why he didn't think that this was food.

"Velveeta is basically plastic... there's almost no nutritional value in it... why the fuck would you willingly put this in your body?! Are you depressed or something?"

I was a little taken aback by that response.

"...uh...no... I'm not depressed... may I ask why you think only depressed people eat this?"

"Because Deku eats this shit every time he's depressed."

"It's a comfort food..."

Young Midoriya mumbled in his defense.

"It's trash is what it is."

"Well this is what we have so... I don't know what to tell you."

He continued staring at his plate for a while.

"...do I have to eat it?"

He asked quietly.

I was a bit surprised by that for multiple reasons. I know he doesn't like it but I wasn't expecting him to just refuse to eat it... though... I guess he did ask so it wasn't blatant refusal... and I was also surprised with how gently he asked... he sounded almost sad...

"Um... no I guess... if you really don't like it... just make sure you get a snack okay."

He nodded picking up his plate.

"Where do you want this?"

He asked, gesturing to the plate.

"Oh just leave it on the counter, I'll take care of it."

He nodded again, and headed to the cupboard that had the snack drawer.

He selected some veggie straws.

"Can I eat these in the guest room?"

I nodded, still a little unsure as to what exactly was going on.

He quickly left, leaving me and Young Midoriya alone.

"What will he eat?"

I asked after a few moments of silence.

"He likes spicy food!... he just really doesn't like mac&cheese... regardless of how nutritious it is... he just doesn't like it. He says it's too slimy and it grosses him out."

"So it's a texture thing…"

"Well he still does prefer healthy food... just... less slimy..."

I processed this information for a bit...

"His mother said something about him being old enough to deal with it..."

Young Midoriya nodded.

"Auntie says that picky eaters annoy her."

"Is there anything you don't like?"

I asked.


He said without any hesitation.

I smiled at how quickly he answered.

"Any particular reason?"

"They feel weird... just wrong... and they also smell bad..."


I chuckled.... them staying here could be fun.

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