He Won't Notice I'm Gone

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Bakugou's POV:

Since the shopping trip, All Might has seemed increasingly on edge...

I'm not sure why... Deku and I haven't even been arguing as much as we usually do... he just can't handle a little yelling for some reason.

Him and Deku have been hanging out more. They've been having their quirk meetings. I'm usually there for them. They also talk about useless shit that doesn't matter... like what fun activities they could do over the summer. They have a show that they've started watching together...

Of course fucking Deku gets all of his attention... he's my hero too but no, I don't get a second...

I'm just left alone... bored... with no one to talk to...

Deku's busy with All Might, and All Might's busy with Deku...

Fine I'll go do something else.

I decided to text shitty hair to see if he wanted to talk... God I've never been so low in my life...

King Explosion Murder:

"Shitty hair."

Red Riot:

"Bakugou! You texted first! Wait is something wrong? You never text first."

King Explosion Murder:

"I'm fine. Just bored. I have nothing to do."

Red Riot:

"But you're with All Might! Isn't that super fun?!"

King Explosion Murder:

"He's busy with Deku."

Red Riot:

"Oh... that's tough... you wanna hang out?"

King Explosion Murder:

"Got nothing better to do. where?"

Red Riot:

"There's a Cafe that I've been wanting to check out. Never had the time. We could go there."

King Explosion Murder:

"Send me the address."

Shitty hair sent the address.

It wasn't to far away, I should be able to walk there fairly quickly.

I walked out to the living room, to see All Might and Deku talking excitedly about whatever dumb shit they were interested in.

I considered telling All Might where I was going... but he probably wouldn't even notice that I was gone anyway. So I didn't see the need to interrupt... whatever they were doing.

I headed to the address sent.

It was nice to take a walk. All Might had a nice house, but it was honestly refreshing to get out of there. I've been cooped up for way too long.

I got to the Cafe and headed inside.

It smelled really nice in there. Like tea and pastries. I spotted shitty hair at a booth near one of the windows, and headed over.

"Hey man!"

He greeted as I sat down.

I nodded in response.

"So what's been going on? I haven't heard from you much... like you haven't been responding to my texts."

"I've been busy."

"But earlier you said you've been bored with nothing to do."

"Don't interrogate me."

I said with a glare.

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