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TW: Suicidal thoughts, self harm in detail, blood, self hatred, Suicide attempt, disturbing intrusive thoughts!!!

This chapter is gonna get dark, so please please do not read if this could trigger you in any way.

Or at least wait till you can emotionally handle it.

Midoriya's POV:

I woke up, already feeling upset. The fog I was in last night was thicker and darker than before.

I slid out of bed, feet touching the cold floor. I let a tired sigh escape my lips, before standing up, and making my way to the door.

Today was going to be a long day.

All Might seemed to immediately notice my mood, choosing not to comment on me grabbing a granola bar, instead of eating breakfast with him.

I had originally planned to make sure he didn't notice, but he had, so I couldn't be bothered. He could just deal with me being moody.

"I'm going out to get groceries today... would you like to come with me?"

"I'm grounded, remember?"

I said, in an annoyed voice, casting a glare at him.

"Oh... yeah..."


"...I could make an exception..."

"That would kinda defeat the point. Besides, I don't want to go anyway."

"Okay... You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

His voice sounded sincere, and his face looked sad.

I felt the guilt bubble up again.

Shit, I was being really mean again. Why was I doing this? All Might never did anything to me, and I was taking out all my anger on him.

I was mad at him because of Kacchan right? But that was my fault too.

"What would I have to talk about?"

"You look upset."

"I'm fine."

I said glaring daggers at the man.

God, I did it again!

"Okay, you can tell me if that changes."

He gave me a smile.

It made me feel like shit. I kept treating him badly, even though he was trying to help.

I should kill myself

"Yeah, sure."

I said in a weaker voice.

I threw away the wrapper to my granola bar.

"When will you be going to the store?"

I wasn't sure why I asked, but I felt like I should.

"Probably this afternoon. I have a few things to take care of at home first."


I stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, before turning around, and leaving the room. I couldn't handle the tension that I had created.

I went to the bathroom. When finished, I just stood in front of the mirror, looking myself over.

I looked terrible.

My hair was a mess. I hadn't run a comb through it in a week, the bags under my eyes were darker than ever, and I looked... miserable.

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