We Fucked Up

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Midoriya's POV:

Kacchan and I hurriedly walked to our room.

I haven't seen All Might that upset before... at least not directed at us.

"We fucked up..."

I heard Kacchan mumble as I shut the door behind us.


"Do you think he's gonna call my mom?"

Kacchan asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure, he was pretty upset..."

"I didn't hear him though..."

Kacchan mumbled.

"I didn't either."

"This is why I fucking hate boardgames... they ruin everything..."

Kacchan flopped down on his bed face first, muffling the sound of his groaning.

I decided to do the same with my bed.

We laid in silence for a few minutes, before Kacchan broke the silence.

"Has he ever gotten mad at you before?"

"I mean... he's gotten frustrated with me before... but never mad..."

"Well shit..."

We continued to lay there doing nothing but internally panic. Pretty soon we heard the door to the room next to ours, close for the night.

"...it sounds like he went to bed..."

I whispered.

"I gathered that without you having to tell me."

My roommate huffed in annoyance.

We laid there long enough that I wasn't sure if Kacchan was even still up.

"...Kacchan... you awake?"

I whispered.

"Fuck off Deku."

He whisper yelled.

I ignored that and continued with what I was saying.

"Do you think that we're in trouble?"


Aizawa's POV:

I hung up the phone, continuing my patrol.

God what was that man thinking babysitting those damn kids? Maybe I should of stayed on the phone longer... but I was on patrol... why does he think that I'm always available?

I finished my patrol, and then headed home. The lights were still on when I got there. I was a bit surprised being how late it was.

"Zashi, you still up?"

I called, kicking off my shoes at the door.

"Living room."

He called back.

I made my way to the living room, seeing my husband sitting on the couch holding Eri, who seemed like she had another nightmare. I sat next to my husband, not asking any questions. I could gather what happened.

"How was patrol?"

"Not too bad, other than the call I got from All Might."

Hizashi looked at me confused?

"Why did All Might call you?"

"You know how I told you about how All Might's keeping the problem children for the summer?"

He nodded.

"Well unsurprisingly, they're causing trouble already, and he doesn't know what to do about it."

"May I ask what they did?"

"Apparently they got into an argument over Monopoly, and started throwing the pieces at each other. And when he told them to stop, they weren't listening."

Hizashi started laughing, which surprised me a little.

"So Monopoly is what did it?!"

He got out between laughs.

"That's what he said."

"And how did you respond?"

"I told him to tell them to listen better, and if they don't listen, then ground them."

He gave me an amused smile.

"You know he's probably going to keep calling all summer right?"

"...Yeah... I know"

I groaned.


He chuckled to himself...

"He better not call me on patrol again though... I've got a job to do."

My husband nodded.

We sat there for a few minutes before Hizashi broke the silence.

"Wanna head to bed?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

Author's note:

I love erasermic so much, and since I was doing a family related fanfic, I decided to take this opportunity.

Lemme know what you think. Just keep it respectful. ♡♡♡

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