A Conversation

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Bakugou's POV:

The day progressed slowly. Eventually it was dinner time, and we had to sit through another awkward meal.

It was even quieter than last time, since mind fuck was told to stop asking questions. Not that it stopped the adults from doing the same thing.

When I finished eating, Mr Aizawa told me to take a seat on the couch because apparently we needed to talk.

I sat in my designated spot, that was decided by the blanket placed there by Present Mic, or Yamada as he told me to call him while here. He put the blanket down so that I wouldn't have to feel the fucking velvet couch that these fuckers had.

They sent the other 2, off to do whatever shit they did, so then we could have privacy.

God I was dreading this conversation.

"Let's start with you running away."

My homeroom teacher stated bluntly.

"I didn't run away. I went for a walk."

"I'd normally believe you... except that when All Might tried to call you... you refused to answer the phone."

"I didn't want to talk to him."


Yamada cut in.

"I dunno... I was irritated..."

"Because he was ignoring you for Midoriya?"

Mr Aizawa asked, even though he already knew the answer.

I didn't respond.

"He does that a lot, doesn't he?"

Yamada worded it like a question, even though it was not.

God why were we even having this conversation? Why did it matter?!

"I do wonder when that all started..."

Mr Aizawa mumbled to himself.

I looked away when he said that. To fast apparently.

"Bakugou... do you know?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It might not, but somethings going on, and you're somehow connected to all of it. And I'm going to figure out why. So when did they start to get close. Because seems like it was a thing before school started."

"The sludge villain..."

"Okay... and why?"

"Deku was being a moron and tried to save me... All Might was impressed I guess."

"So All Might decided to be a mentor to Midoriya because he thought his actions were heroic?"

I nodded.

"Okay.... and you were jealous of Midoriya getting extra attention."

"I'm not jealous! I never was jealous! And I never will be jealous!!!"

"Then why were you upset with All Might?"

Mr Aizawa challenged.

I screamed into the armrest of the couch in frustration, earning a chuckle from Yamada.

"Why do you care?"

I asked, voice still slightly muffled by my face still being pushed again the armrest.

"Because I'm trying to figure out what's been going on with you for a while. It's more obvious now because you were living together, but this has been going on for a long time. There is something happening between you 3, and you're reacting negatively to it. I wanna know why the mentorship bothers you so much. I want to hear your side in all this. I've been noticing this for a while. Especially after you picked that fight with Midoriya. All Might told me some of the things that were said, and you've been upset for a while. Why?!"

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