Important Conversations

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Aizawa's POV:

I nocked on my sons door.

No response.

"Hitoshi... we really need to talk about this kid."

"No we don't."

I heard muffled through the door.

"Hitoshi. You're clearly upset about something, and I can't fix it if you don't tell me what it is."

"Maybe I don't want you to fix it."

This sounded way to much like one of the fights All Might told me he had with Bakugou... so that had to be a bad sign.

"Can I come in please?"

"Do what you want."

I opened the door, and found my son, face down on his bed, buried in a mess of, pillows, blankets, and plushies. Like some sort of fluffy shield.

"Hey kid... what's going on here?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I care about you, and what you're feeling."

"Since when?"

"Since forever."

"Yeah right."

He clearly wanted that to be full of snark, but he sounded more broken than anything.

"Hitoshi... what's this about? You've been acting weird since Bakugou got here..."

"Since when do you care what I feel about Bakugou?"

"What did he do to upset you so bad? You've been antagonizing him since he got here."

"I wouldn't be if he wasn't here."

Oh... so that's what this was about.

"You're mad at me..."

No response.

"You feel like I don't care about how you feel, because I didn't ask before putting him in your room... Is that it?"

" said, when I got here... that my room was my safe space... no matter what... and then you just took it... And you didn't ask first either! I had no say in any of this..."

I really messed up... I spent so much time, carefully earning this kid's trust... just to break it without thinking.

"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't thinking. He needed a place to stay, and I didn't even think about how that would effect you... he could have stayed in the living room, or in my room, or even Eri's since they get along... but I just volunteered yours without you having any prior knowledge of it. That was wrong... I'm so sorry."

"...does he have to stay in my room?..."

"No, no we'll move him."

"So I get my room back?"

"Yeah... do you need him to go back to All Might's?"

"No, just... I need him out of my room... I can't recharge with another person in here."

"You got it."

Bakugou's POV:

Once the regular sized cookies were cooled down enough, I plated a few of them for Eri, and slid her a glass of milk.

"Thank you."

She said, with a big smile.

She had just finished her first cookie when Yamada came in the door.

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