Aizawa's Intimidating

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Bakugou's POV:

The sixth day was slow. Almost nothing happened. I played with Eri, threw a few jabs at mind fuck, and then went to bed.

Yamada gently shook me awake on the seventh day, telling me that we were going to All Might's house.

Mind fuck was significantly slower than Eri and me. He was definitely not a morning person. Yet another thing he had in common with the nerd.

We all sat around the table. Aizawa served the food he made, as Yamada texted All Might, telling him that we were coming.

"So why are we going so early?"

Mind fuck asked groggily.

"Because your dad has to go to his radio show later, and we have to have enough time to yell at All Might."

Aizawa said bluntly.

I couldn't help but choke on my glass of water, at his absolutely lack of chill.


Yamada yelped in surprise, at my sudden coughing.

"You good?"

Mind fuck asked, poking me, like I was some sort of weird animal.


When I finally stopped coughing, we continued our conversations, everybody just saying whatever they felt like. It felt relaxed, and natural. It was... nice...

Eventually we finished breakfast, and went to get ready to go.

We got dressed, brushed our teeth, brushed our hair, and piled into the car.

I was crammed into the back, with Eri, and mind fuck. Luckily, Eri wanted to sit next to both of us, so she was the one in the middle.

"Why don't we take the train?"

That's the form of transportation that most people used, and I really didn't like being stuck in a tiny car.

Aizawa turned around in the passenger seat, giving me a serious look.

"Because last time we tried to take kids on a train, Hitoshi got mad at us, and intentionally got himself separated from us, so we couldn't find him... and Eri was really hungry, but we had to find her brother, so she was crying. Never again."

My eyes widened, as I looked over at mind fuck.

He gave a guilty look, and a nervous laugh.

"How are you not dead? My mom would've killed me if I did that shi- crap."

"I'm really gonna need you to clarify whether or not that's an exaggeration."

Aizawa said, tone serious.

"She wouldn't kill me."

I said, glaring at him. The insinuation that my mom would actually go that far, pissing me off.

"Just making sure."

"You guys make her seem worse than she is."

"I just going based on the limited information that I have. I'm your teacher. I'm literally trained for this stuff."

The man said, turning back around in his seat.

I looked out the window, watching the world go by.

"You know she's not a monster... right?"

I asked after a while.

"What do you mean?"

Yamada asked gently.

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