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All Might's POV:

Young Midoriya and I were still sitting on the couch when we heard the door open. We glanced back to see Aizawa dragging young Bakugou and Kirishima inside.

I immediately rushed over to young Bakugou.

"Are you alright?! Where were you?!"

I immediately started questioning, looking him up and down for injuries.

"I'm fine old man..."

He grumbled.

"Where were you?!"

I repeated my second question.

"We went to a café and then we went to the park."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't think you'd care..."

"Of course I care! I was worried sick!!!"

He rolled his eyes at that.

"Bakugou! I'm serious! That was incredibly dangerous! If something happened, I wouldn't know where you were to send help! If you went missing, I wouldn't be able to tell the police where you were last! And even in this situation where nothing really bad happened, you scared both me and Midoriya. Did you ever stop to consider how worried we'd be?!"

"I didn't think you'd notice I was gone..."

"Of course we were going to notice! Why would you think that we wouldn't?!"

"You hadn't spoken to me once all day! You and Deku have been hanging out without even acknowledging my existence! Why would I think that you'd notice?!"

Young Bakugou spat at me with a surprising level of venom.

I could see Aizawa giving me a look of disappointment and judgment, like this situation was my fault.

...Maybe on some level it is...

"You're right... I haven't been paying enough attention to you... but that was incredibly dangerous..."

I knew I had to give him some kind of consequence... especially with Aizawa standing right there...
but I didn't know what to do...

this probably warranted grounding... but what would I ground him from or to? I've never done this before...

Luckily for me, Aizawa took control of the situation.

"Bakugou, go to your room. We'll discuss consequences later."

"Fuck no! I did nothing wrong!"

I could see young Kirishima immediately tense at his friends reaction.

"Bakugou Katsuki! You march your sorry ass into that room right the fuck now! I will not take your disrespect right now! Now you go to your room, sit on your bed, and think about why exactly you thought that this was a good idea!"

He seemed to contemplate the consequences of disobedience, before eventually trudging to his room.

Everyone was tense...

Kirishima coughed, breaking the silence.


Aizawa addressed.

"You're also in trouble, but I don't want you in the same room."

Aizawa grabbed a chair from the kitchen, placing it in the corner facing outwards.

He looked at Kirishima and pointed at the chair.

"Sit. Don't talk."

Kirishima obediently sat in the chair.

I was shocked to say the least. He just put a teenager in timeout.

He seemed to know what he was doing so I didn't comment.

"So why is Kirishima here, and why is he in trouble?"

I questioned.

"He was hanging out with Bakugou, so that's why he's here. And he was aware that Bakugou hadn't told anyone that he was leaving, or where he was going. And he didn't try to contact anyone with that information, so that's why he's in trouble. Definitely not the same level as Bakugou... but I don't appreciate it."

Kirishima looked down at the floor, look of guilt on his face.

I nodded sitting back down, next to young Midoriya.

Aizawa sat on the other end of the couch, and looked at me.

"He's your responsibility... how do you want to go about this?"

"...I don't know... I've never done this before, and I was just really hoping that it wouldn't come down to this..."

He seemed to understand my dilemma.

"Well you have a few options.  You can call his mom, and ask what to do... though I already know what she would say, and you wouldn't do it. Though you should probably still inform her of the situation...Next option is ground him."

"From what?"

"Does he use the TV?"

"Not really."

"Does he leave the house often?"

"Outside of training, no."

"Well that's limited... my suggestion is to do what I did when he and Midoriya decided to fight each other at God knows what time it was. House arrest, and cleaning duty... have him mow your lawn while he's at it, because your grass has not been cut in a while."

I felt Midoriya tense at that comment.

I thought about what he said.

That was probably my best option... I didn't want to... but what choice do I have.

Aizawa spoke.

"Again he's your responsibility... so it's up to you what you want to do. It's your job to tell him what the consequences are. And it's your job to inforce them. I will help you if needed, but if I get to involved, I guarantee he won't respect you.

I nodded in understanding.

Bakugou was upset with me. I wasn't giving him enough attention, so he pushing boundaries to get it.

I have to fix this.

Author's note:

It's not as long as I would like... but what can ya do?

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