
849 36 24

Author's note:

I have no self preservation yall. You're getting the hospital.

TW: mentioned suicide attempt, blood, cuts, mentioned self harm, hospital, ambulance, inconsiderate nurses, Unprofessionalism!!!

Yamada's POV:

By the time we got into the ambulance, Midoriya's bandages had already soaked through.

He sat, curled in my lap... crying. His fingers gripped to my shirt, so tightly, his nuckles turned white.

The nurses tried to remove the bandages, in order to see what they were working with, but Midoriya kept kicking them away. When they tried to hold his legs down, his sobs turned to desperate screams. He was gasping for air, but struggling because of him choking on his own saliva.

Some of the nurses were getting frustrated, to the point where they were getting less, and less considerate.

"Will you quit it?!"

An older male nurse snapped, after getting kicked in the face for the fifth time.

He was fairly tall and muscular, with short black hair, and piercing blue eyes. He could honestly be seen as intimidating... which could be an issue, with the aggressive tone he had.

"Hey! The kids panicking! You can't expect him to react well!"

I snapped back.

"Well then get him to calm down, because I can't work with him like this!"

"I can try, but he's really freaking out right now."

"Either you calm him down, or I'm giving him a sedative."

The nerve this dude had! The fuck did he want me to do?!

My husband had yet to step in, but I could tell it wouldn't take much to change that.

I looked down at the kid curled up in my lap. He was hurting so much...

"Midoriya, sweetie... you gotta let the nurses take a look."

"No No No!!!"

He sobbed, burying his face in my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair, in a hopefully calming motion.

"I know you're scared... but we're trying to help you... I'm right here.... you're safe..."

"I don't want it."

He sobbed.

"Want what?"

"I don't want help!"

That hurt... that hurt a lot... it was going to be very difficult to do this in the least traumatizing way possible, if he wasn't cooperating.

"But you need to let us help you anyway..."

He choked out another violent sob, but he stopped kicking.

One of the gentler nurses went ahead with removing the bandages. You could see the visible wince on her face, at the damage.

They started doing their best to disinfect the cuts, and to stop the bleeding.

Midoriya flinched slightly at the sting of the disinfectant, much to the male nurses annoyance.

"If he managed to cut himself this deep, this should be nothing."

He grumbled.

"How about you shut the fuck up!"

My husband finally snapped.

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