Attempt Part 2

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TW: Suicide attempt, self harm, blood, dissociation, panic attack, meltdown!!!

Bakugou's POV:

I shrugged, making my way over to the door. I turned the handle, and opened it.

The first thing I saw, was Deku... sitting on his bed.... holding a razor... thighs covered in blood.

Oh shit. He's doing it again.

I slowly closed the door behind myself, and just stood there for a moment.

"...That's... that's a lot of blood Deku..."

I couldn't keep my voice from shaking.

I slowly walked over to the bed, sitting down next to him, just far enough away to not get any blood on me.

His hands were shaking, and he refused to look at me... not that I would know what to do if he did.

"I.... I thought you stopped doing..."

I gestured to the bloody mess, his thighs were in.


Tears rolled down his face, and I felt panic serge through my body.

Did I say something wrong? I needed to be careful.

"Deku... that's too much blood... you need to stop now..."

"No. I'm not done."

"Deku listen. You've lost a lot of blood. We should probably get an adult-"


"If you stop, and let me help you stop the bleeding... I won't tell anyone."

It felt wrong. I needed to tell someone... but if I wanted him to cooperate, I had to give a little.

I didn't know what I was doing. I was terrible with normal emotions... much less something this extreme. As far as I knew, he hadn't done this since middle school.

"I'm not done..."

"Deku, no. You need to stop now."

"I'm not done."

"Done with what?! Practically shredding yourself?!"

"Just go away... please Kacchan... just go..."

His voice sounded broken.

"I'm not doing that. You need help. So either except it from me... or you can get it from one of the adults."

"I'm not done."

There was something dark in his voice, that sent a chill up my spine.

"Deku. Give me the razor."

I held out my hand.




"Why not?!"

I was getting desperate. I was terrified. I don't remember ever feeling this scared before.

"Because I'm not done."

His voice was serious.

"Done with what? What's your end game here? Let me help you."


"Deku please."

I was basically begging at this point, and I could feel tears building up in my eyes, ready to start pouring.

"I'm not done."

"With what?!"

"Kacchan I can't... I can't keep doing this... I'm tired... I'm angry... I just can't... just let me do this."

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