The Root Of Anger

765 37 17

TW: blood, mentioned self harm!!!

Midoriya's POV:

Once I was sure that All Might was in bed, I collected my sheets, and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed some  hydrogen peroxide, and poured some over the blood spots.

The blood spots immediately started bubbling. I could hear the fizzing noise slow down after a while. Once it stopped, I ran some cold water over the spots.

With my history of self harm, and how dangerous hero work can be, I had gotten pretty adept at getting blood stains out of things.

Unfortunately, since I decided to wait until All Might went to bed, I couldn't get at it right away, so no matter how much scrubbing I did, I couldn't get rid of the orange tinge that my blood left behind.

Maybe I could use bleach...

I headed to the laundry room, leaving my sheets in the bathroom.

All the cleaning chemicals were on a high shelf above the washer and dryer.

Since I was only five foot five... I could not reach. And for some reason, All Might didn't own a single step stool!

I couldn't very well ask for All Might's help after the argument we had earlier... not that you could really call it much of an argument, as much as, me yelling, and All Might grounding me.

So I did the next best thing...

I climbed on top of the washing machine.

Just as I was reaching for the bleach, I heard a voice behind me.

"Young Midoriya, what are you doing?"

I flinched in surprise at the sudden voice of All Might. I lost my balance, almost falling off the washing machine. I was just barely able to catch myself on the shelf.

Once I steadied myself, I looked over my shoulder, towards the figure in the doorway.


"Why are you on top of the washing machine?"

When I just stood there, staring blankly, All Might sighed.

"Alright, get down."

"But I-"

"But what? What were you trying to do?"

I still couldn't think of a good response.

At my silence, All Might continued.

"Just... get down."

I could argue further, but at this point, I didn't really think that it was a good idea. Besides... I already felt bad about earlier.

So, I slowly climbed down. Once my feet were once again touching the floor, I turned to face All Might.

"What were you trying to grab?"

"The bleach..."


"I uh..."

I had to come up with a lie quickly.

"I just noticed that I got blood on my sheets during my nose bleed. So... I was trying to get it out..."

"You could have asked me to get it for you."

"I thought you were in bed."

He sighed again.

"Mi- Izuku..."

I tensed at the use of my name.

"Somethings been going on with you recently... I don't know what, but I can tell when you're avoiding me... I just... never mind. It's not important right now. We'll talk about this later."

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