Grocery Shopping

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All Might's POV:

Since the Monopoly incident, the boys have been behaving really well. The past three days have gone smoother than I could have hoped.

Looks like Aizawa was wrong. I don't need to scold, or ground them.

Though I would need to go to the grocery store soon... I didn't have a lot of food at home since I normally ordered take-out. Plus there were extra mouths to feed now.

I walked out to the front door, looking out at the boys sparing outside.

"I'm going to the store, you boys want to come?!"

I called out to them.

"I do!"

Young Midoriya said excitedly.

"Would you like to come?"

I asked, looking at young bakugou.

"...Well if everybody else is going..."

"Great, you boys can help me pick out some foods you like!"

Though after looking at them for a few seconds, I realized they're clothes were a bit... torn up from their sparing.

"How about you go change your clothes while I get the car."

They looked down at their clothes. Now realizing why.

They quickly went inside to change.

This should be a good bonding activity.

I got the car out of the garage, and waited for a few minutes before the boys came back outside.

They stopped outside of the car, and seemed to be arguing about something. I rolled down my window to see what.

"What's going on?"

"We're trying to decide who gets front seat."

Young Midoriya answered.

They went back to arguing, and after a few minutes it seemed like they weren't getting anywhere.

"Bakugou, you get front on the way there. Midoriya, you get in on the way back. Problem solved, get in the car."

They immediately listened, getting into the car.


I heard young Midoriya mumble.

"It's fine. I just didn't want to sit there all day."

After about a minute of silence, the boys seemed comfortable enough to start talking again. They made simple conversation with me and each other.

"So.. young Bakugou... I don't know much about what you like.. young Midoriya is more open with that sort of information."

He seemed to hesitate for a moment before responding.

"...It never came up..."

After thinking about it... he was right... it never came up. It was true that young Midoriya was more open about it, but I had actually asked him about it.

"Well i'm asking now... what's your favorite color?"

"I don't see how this is important... but it's orange and black..."

"What are some of your hobbies?"

"What is this, some kind of interrogation?!"

"No... but you were right, it's never come up. I've asked this stuff to Midoriya... but I've never asked you. You're staying with me for the summer. I should know at least the basics."

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