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Author's note: Aight so I said Bakugou was Pan in the Author's note chapter... but I might change that... it's depends... if I give him a love interest, I'll keep it the same... if not I'm gonna make him aro... we'll see...

Hizashi's POV:

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

I shouted.

I had pulled the boys away from each other. I practically dragged them to the living room, and they were both seated at opposite ends of the couch.

They both tried to defend themselves at once. Trying to talk over each other, to tell they're sides of the story.

My husband just sat in the chair, clearly pissed. Though he decided that he wasn't getting involved... right now at least.

I held up my hand to silence them.

"Hitoshi, I'm going to ask you first... why the hell were you two fighting?"

"He kept insulting Kaminari, and calling him stupid!"

He said, pointing an accusatory finger at the other boy.

"Okay... and how did it turn physical?"

"Well... he hit me... so I hit him back..."

I could tell he was leaving important details out, but I chose not to call him on it. I was sure to hear it from Bakugou.

"Bakugou your turn. Why were you two fighting?"

"I called dunce face... dunce face... as I usually do. And mind fu- eyebags... got all pissy about it. We argued, and then eyebags asked if I wanted to fight. So obviously I said come at me. I'm not gonna say no to a direct challenge."

He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Anyway, when I responded, he used his quirk on me."

"He did what?!"

I almost yelled, immediately shooting a look at the very guilty looking insomniac on the other end of the couch.

"You used your quirk on him?!"

He refused to look at me. Apparently just realizing that he was in a lot of trouble.


Bakugou continued in annoyance.

"I fell over. Effectively nocking me out of it. I was understandably pissed, so yeah I punched him. But can you really blame me?!"

"Yes. Yes I can. If you hadn't punched him, and instead got one of us... he would be the only one in trouble right now."

"...yeah... I know..."

Bakugou sighed in disappointment.

He just seemed tired.

"What I wanna know is why you thought that it was a good idea to use your quirk outside of training."

I said, looking at my son.

"I just... he kept calling Kaminari stupid... so I wanted to make him feel stupid..."

I sighed.

Of course... I wasn't all that surprised.

"Well, you're both grounded. Bakugou for fighting, and Hitoshi for using your quirk on him. Of course since Bakugou is already grounded, his grounding is gonna go on a little longer."

I could tell they wanted to argue, but they wisely chose against it.

"Now both of you go to bed before I lose my mind. And no more fighting! If that happens again, you're both writing a 3 page essay on why fighting isn't a constructive way to solve your problems... in English."

They nodded solemnly, and headed to bed.

"First day!"

I said in disbelief, looking at my husband.

"Did you not expect this? They're both bull headed little shits, with very little self control, stuck in a room together. it was bound to happen... I was just hoping it would take a little longer."

We both sighed this time.

"Shota... do you think we should take Midoriya too? After everything that we heard... I kinda want to know Midoriya's thoughts on it.."

"And I want to hear All Might try and explain himself."

My husband responded.

"So should we?"

"We'll give it a week... I think everyone could use a break from each other."

"Yeah... you're probably right."

Author's note:

I'm not dead!
My excuse for being gone... I don't really have one. I have a life... and a lot of school to do before it let's out next week. But then I should be able to write more.

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