You Okay?

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Bakugou's POV:

I sat on the bed eating my veggie straws. I knew I was pushing it. Especially with how little time I've spent here so far.

My mom wouldn't have put up with my attitude for a second... All Might seemed like he didn't care as much, so I guess I figured I could get away with it. But this isn't school anymore. I'm currently staying at his house... meaning I need to show a little more respect.

I should have just sucked it up, and ate the god damned mac&cheese. It makes me gag, but I was being rude.

I finished up my snack, unsure of what to do with my garbage. Logically I should go to the kitchen and throw it away... but I left in the middle of a meal, and it felt awkward to go out now. So I just put it in the drawer of the nightstand. I wouldn't normally do that, but I wasn't sure if All Might was actually mad at me, and just trying to be nice... I couldn't risk it.

I felt a tear slip down my face, and I wasn't sure why. I had no reason to cry, and even if I did it wouldn't solve anything... god I'm being pathetic and I don't even know why!

Midoriya's POV:

I helped All Might with the dishes while we talked about one for all, and how it was developing... but for some reason it felt less like a meeting, and more like a friendly conversation.

I was excited to be staying with my mentor. I've looked up to him my entire life. Now I get to witness him everyday life!!! I couldn't wait to start writing in my hero notebook, but it would have felt rude to have it out at dinner, so I decided to leave it in our room.

"Young Midoriya."

All Might said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What would you like to do now? It's your first night here so I thought I'd let you boys decide. Young Bakugou... isn't present so it's up to you. TV, boardgames, whatever."

"A boardgame sounds fun... but I'd want to see if Kacchan would play."

All Might smiled at that.

"Alright, you go ask, and I'll pull out some boardgames to choose from."

I ran to do just that.

I opened the door to find Bakugou laying face down on his bed.

"Hey Kacchan, we're gonna play boardgames. You wanna join?"

He gave a muffled groan in response.

I made my way over, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"You doing okay?"

I asked.

"Fuck off Deku."

"Yeah... I'm not gonna do that because somethings clearly up, and I know you sure as hell ain't gonna talk to anyone else about it."

I said, more blunt than I would usually be.

He lifted his head up from the pillow, glaring at me.

"Nothings wrong Deku."

I could see tear tracks down his face, so I'm not sure why he even tried to lie... but I was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Have you been crying?"

He grabbed a pillow, and chucked it at my face in response.

"That's a yes... so I'm gonna ask again... what's going on?"

"Why can't you leave well enough alone?"

He asked, frustration clear in his voice.

"Because you don't cry very often... so I'm kinda worried about you."

He looked like he was considering what I said for a minute, before he finally responded.

"Honestly... I don't know why I'm crying... there's no good reason for it... it won't solve anything... I just started crying..."

After about a minute of silence, I spoke.

"How about we play that boardgame. It'll take your mind off things. I'll even let you choose which one we play."

"I don't need your damn permission to pick a game. You couldn't stop me if you tried!"

I smiled. There's the Kacchan I know.

Author's note:

Yay bonding!!! I shall torture them both with sadness... and then mend them with the power of friendship!

Ah the power of being a writer...

All Might's got his hands full, and I'm gonna torture him to!

Wish it was longer

Anyway, tell me what you think.

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